Congresswoman Julia Brownley認証済みアカウント


Honored to serve California's 26th District in Congress & fight for Ventura County. Health Subcommittee Ranking Member & Member.

Ventura County & Washington, DC


  1. 10月24日

    Last week I was honored to join Oxnard resident & recipient Sgt. Maj Canley & his family at Pentagon as he was inducted into Hall of Heroes for his extraordinary bravery during Vietnam War. I'm pleased to see him receive the recognition he's truly earned & deserves.

  2. 10月23日

    Join me on Facebook to learn more about how I am fighting for Ventura County’s priorities in Congress: .

  3. 10月22日

    From to attack on protections for pre-existing conditions, POTUS & Congressional GOP are undermining ACA & driving up costs. That’s why I support healthcare policies : ➡️Bring down costs ➡️Protect pre-existing conditions ➡️Stop attacks on Medicare

  4. 10月20日

    It was such a pleasure to recently honor and celebrate Roberto Juarez and his 40 years of outstanding service to .

  5. 10月19日

    I have had the great privilege to get to know recipient and Ventura County resident Sergeant Major John Canley and his family, and I was so happy to honor him this week!

  6. 10月18日

    I had the pleasure of joining the Knights of Columbus in Oxnard for their annual Civic Night last week to honor the many dedicated public servants who have committed themselves to bettering our community. Thank you for everything you do.

  7. 10月18日

    to remember this is that we all play a role in raising awareness about domestic violence & helping survivors heal. In Congress, I vow to advocate for survivors & work to pass legislation that will strengthen programs that aid survivors & help prevent abuse.

  8. 10月17日

    So honored to be present when Oxnard’s Sgt. Major John Canley received the Medal of Honor.

  9. 10月15日

    A ceremony was recently held in the U.S. Capitol to honor the brave firefighters who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect our communities from devastating fires, including Cory Iverson who died battling the .

  10. 10月13日

    Happy Birthday to the U.S. Navy! As the proud representative of Naval Base Ventura County (NBVC), I want to express my deepest gratitude to all of our Navy servicemembers who put their lives on the line to protect our nation.

  11. 10月12日

    Looking to honor an important person or organization? Commemorate them or a special occasion by having a flag flown over the U.S. Capitol. To learn more or to submit a flag request, contact my Washington, DC office at (202) 225-5811 or visit my website at .

  12. 10月4日

    Happy 50th anniversary to the National Trails System this week. Celebrate by visiting one of the many beautiful & scenic trails we have right here in Ventura County, including the Ventura River Parkway Trail & the more than 200 trails in Los Padres National Forest.

  13. 10月3日

    At last week’s House Veterans’ Affairs Committee hearing, we discussed ways in which we can raise awareness and better address the devastating veteran suicide epidemic.

  14. 10月3日

    Every year, from September 15th to October 15th, we come together to celebrate . Please join me in celebrating the integral role the Latino community has and continues to play in shaping our great nation ⬇️

  15. 9月29日

    1 in 6 people in Ventura County struggle with hunger. During I stand with . In a nation as wealthy as ours, no family should have to send their kids to bed hungry. In Congress, I will continue to support programs like to address this crisis.

  16. 9月28日

    That's why I marched with my Democratic colleagues today to call on Senator McConnell to pause these proceedings until an FBI investigation can be conducted and we get to the truth.

  17. 9月28日

    The highest court in the land deserves the highest caliber of justice. It's an affront to every survivor of sexual assault that the Senate is rushing through this lifetime appointment without hearing all the evidence.

  18. 9月26日

    Today, the House passed the House-Senate FAA authorization agreement. Here’s why I was proud to support this bill ⬇️

  19. 9月24日

    Today, and every day, I stand with women who have been ignored for far too long. Survivors should be able to tell their own story, in their own way, on their own time.

  20. 9月22日

    In Ventura County, we're fortunate to be surrounded by gorgeous public spaces. Celebrate with your family by visiting Channel Islands National Park or Los Padres National Forest! Admission is free at national parks, forests & wildlife refuges today.



