Rep. Lois Frankel认证账号


Representative from Florida's 21st Congressional District. Chair of .

加入于 2013年1月


  1. 10月25日

    . will bring down drug prices by allowing Medicare negotiation, creating a ‘drug price gouging’ enforcer to investigate drug companies, & demanding full transparency of excessive drug price increases. We’re working

  2. 10月18日

    All along, knew the outcome of their – exploding the deficit by $2tril then demanding massive cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, & Social Security. We need a Congress that works , not just rich shareholders & massive corporations.

  3. 10月17日

    I am honored to receive a 100 on ’s Congressional Scorecard for my support of LGBTQ equality. No one should be discriminated against because of who they are, or who they love.

  4. 10月16日

    This is disgusting behavior from anyone, no less the President of the United States. Make no mistake, has a distinct pattern of attacking women -- from Mika Brzezinski, to Maxine Waters, to Elizabeth Warren & more -- especially those who challenge him.

  5. 10月16日

    My colleagues & I wrote to b/c she hasn't sought feedback from a broad group of survivors & advocacy organizations regarding new rules around campus sexual assault. Survivors need to be heard & students deserve a safe learning environment. Read our letter⬇️

  6. 10月12日

    Today marks 20 years since the death of Matthew Shepard. I am proud to cosponsor a resolution to honor Matthew & affirm Congress’ continued support for the prevention of hate crimes & the advancement of equality for all LGBTQ Americans. We stand firmly against all hate&violence.

  7. 10月11日

    Sometimes people ask me, “What are Democrats for?” It’s pretty simple: we want to lower health care costs, increase pay, and clean up corruption in Washington. Democrats are !

  8. 10月11日

    When girls are educated&taught workforce skills, we can uplift communities, reduce poverty, and create a more peaceful&prosperous world. On , I'm proud to introduce the w/ , which will empower girls&strengthen their communities!

  9. 10月9日

    🚨 : Today is the LAST day to register to vote in time for the midterms on Nov 6! There’s too much at stake to sit this one out. Register now to make sure your voice is heard this November:

  10. 10月4日

    Great news! Congress passed measures that will save $1.5 million & millions more across the state. It will give FEMA sufficient time to review grant payments & look for possible fraud while providing more financial security for our counties&towns.

  11. 10月3日
  12. 9月28日

    Republicans want to make the even better for the wealthiest 1% – and even worse for seniors & working families. How? They’ll pay for tens of billions in new tax breaks with devastating cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, & Social Security.

  13. 9月28日

    I’m in the committee room now. We need a full FBI investigation before ANY vote on

  14. 9月28日

    I’m locked arms marching with my colleagues to oppose the vote!

  15. 9月27日

    This morning, I hand-delivered a statement, signed by 65 Democratic Members, to , urging an immediate postponement of the confirmation after a number allegations of sexual assault and misconduct. We stand with Dr. Ford & support her as she testifies. ⬇️

  16. 9月26日

    every 3 hours in the U.S., a person or vehicle is hit by a train? Stay smart & follow these tips when crossing train tracks to .

  17. 9月26日

    There are 74 million unintended pregnancies every year resulting from women and girl’s unmet need for . On & every day, I'm proud to champion U.S. international assistance & oppose Trump's dangerous global gag rule

  18. 9月26日

    As Republicans introduce their new Tax Scam for the rich 2.0, let’s take a look at the real legacy of the – draining the funding for health care for 58 MILLION seniors.

  19. 9月25日

    Nearly 1 billion women are excluded from the formal financial system worldwide. We can change this equation by fighting for women's equality & passing the

  20. 9月25日

    NOW is go time to . The clock will run out on this important program in less than a week! We must save our so future generations can enjoy the parks, lands, waters, & wildlife of America like we do today.


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