Senator Ben Cardin已認證帳戶


U.S. Senator for Maryland. . Small Business, Foreign Relations, Enviro, Finance committees.

Maryland, USA


  1. "There must be no safe haven for hate in this country. When we suffer a senseless tragedy like that in Pittsburgh, all of our leaders must speak out to clearly and unequivocally condemn that action."

  2. Celebrating the expansion of Thermo Fisher Scientific in Frederick with Team Maryland. Excellent to see companies investing in our state - and in the quality of life for their employees and communities.

  3. 10月26日

    "We blocked the effort to cut Medicare and ensured that Social Security was not decimated. That's remarkable considering the makeup of this Congress and the clear intentions of the White House."

  4. 10月23日

    Speaking today with Howard County seniors on battling GOP efforts to roll back Social Security, Medicare and protections for preexisting conditions. Also hearing serious concerns about the rising costs for prescription drugs.

  5. 10月22日

    Discrimination is wrong. Period. Our laws must reflect that – not sanction it.

  6. 10月20日

    Malaika, Lee and Daniel – seniors at Bethesda-Chevy Chase High School – created a Field Guide to Gun Violence in America, brilliantly laying out all the terminology, stats & legislation needed to understand . Truly inspiring work. Thank you all.

  7. 10月18日

    Pictured: meeting with Administrator Emily Murphy, per a FOIA request. As suspected, the president has been personally interfering with plans for a new consolidated headquarters. My question: what's 's priority? The or the Trump Hotel?

  8. 10月17日

    The Public Service Loan Forgiveness program is a promise: if you work hard in a public service job for 10 years, you'll benefit your community and receive forgiveness. But hasn't upheld that promise. So I and 150 of my colleagues are demanding answers:

  9. 10月17日

    Last month, a federal report indicated that a staggering 99.6% of borrowers who applied for Public Service Loan Forgiveness were *denied* loan forgiveness by the Department of Education. Completely unacceptable. I've written to demanding answers.

  10. 10月16日

    Maryland: today's the day. It's the *last day* you can register to vote before the midterm elections. Democracy has no autopilot feature. It's driven by those who show up. Make sure you're there on November 6 – register to now:

  11. 10月15日

    Speaking with Maryland seniors this morning about the issues that matter most to them. Hearing serious concerns about the future of Medicare and Social Security, as well as protections for pre-existing conditions, clean water and the Chesapeake Bay.

  12. 10月10日

    Today, we Imagine a Day Without Water, and we remember that water isn't a political issue. It's a health and safety issue. All families – of all backgrounds and political affiliations – need and deserve clean, safe water to live. So let's insist that we all .

  13. 10月4日

    Civil liberties. Workers' rights. Reproductive choice. Protections for people with preexisting conditions. Clean water. Abuse of power – including ' abuses. Judge also fails on the issues. He shouldn't be given the authority to shape them for generations.

  14. 10月2日

    With , Baltimore's congressional delegation & to release new report on the devastating effects on Marylanders of the Trump admin's attacks on protections for preexisting conditions. Most troubling to me are the disproportionate potential impacts to women.

  15. 10月1日

    Hearing from Annapolis Alderman Marc Rodriguez and Latino community advocates about tragic scenes at our southern border resulting from the Trump administration's chaotic and inhumane immigration actions. – 在 "Pip" Moyer Recreation Center

  16. 9月25日

    In a few minutes, I'll be speaking on the need for all Americans, of all backgrounds and political affiliations, to . This is a critical year for our democracy. We can't afford to sit this one out. Watch live:

  17. 9月24日

    In College Park celebrating new funding for our first responders. These funds will help supply 's incredible firefighters with the equipment they need to go about the dangerous business of keeping us safe. Grateful for their service & determined to keep them a top priority.

  18. 9月21日

    Just met with the to discuss the need for meaningful criminal justice reform – including the need to end the discriminatory practice of racial and religious profiling. These kinds of open, honest conversations are critical for progress. Sincere thanks to all the players.

    和其他 2 人
  19. 9月17日

    Highlighting "Addiction Recovery Month" by joining experts to discuss opioid addiction treatments that are delivering promising results. Also exploring details of new federal legislation that will better equip those on the front lines of the addiction and recovery battle.

  20. 9月15日

    Maryland: risk of localized flooding and power outages will increase as the weekend progresses. Do not attempt to cross flooded areas, heed the advice of , and stay tuned in to or your local news station to stay updated on flood warnings.


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