Rep Frederica WilsonAccount verificato


Former educator & state legislator; founder & chair of FL Ports Caucus; founder of 5000 Role Models Project; ?

Washington DC
Iscrizione a gennaio 2011


  1. 2 ore fa
  2. 20 ore fa

    Say it loud: I voted and I'm proud!

  3. 23 ore fa

    Casting your ballot by mail is the best way to ensure that your vote is counted. Use these links, RT and share them with everyone you know!

  4. 28 ott

    Casting your ballot by mail is the best way to ensure that your vote is counted. Use these links, RT and share them with everyone you know!

  5. 27 ott

    Casting your ballot by mail is the best way to ensure that your vote is counted. Use these links, RT and share them with everyone you know!

  6. 26 ott

    Vote! Take a photo of you mailing your ballot or at the polls with your "I voted" sticker and share it with me.

  7. 26 ott

    Casting your ballot by mail is the best way to ensure that your vote is counted. Use these links, RT and share them with everyone you know!

  8. 26 ott

    We must act to end Boko Haram's reign of terror and !

  9. 25 ott

    . students and I had an empowering discussion earlier today about the importance of making sure we are counted on Election Day. There is too much at stake. Join them in the pledge to !

  10. 25 ott

    Today I met with students to talk about the power of the vote and urged them to head to the polls on November 6. Join them in the pledge to

  11. 25 ott

    Every day I’m fighting to crack down on the pharmaceutical companies that excessively raise prices on American consumers without justification. Democrats have a plan to lower the costs of prescription drugs.

  12. 25 ott

    Life-saving prescription drugs shouldn’t cost an arm or a leg. Americans deserve to lower the costs of prescription drugs.

  13. 25 ott

    . will bring down drug prices by allowing Medicare negotiation, creating a ‘drug price gouging’ enforcer to investigate drug companies, and demanding full transparency of excessive drug price increases.

  14. 25 ott

    Americans have been calling for Congress to act on slowing the rise of prescription drug prices – yet the . refuses to act. Americans deserve to lower the costs of prescription drugs.

  15. 25 ott

    Voting is the only way to ensure that we have a government that has your best interests at heart and supports everyone, not just the rich and/or famous.

  16. 25 ott

    We cannot allow Boko Haram to commit acts of sexual violence and murder with impunity. My colleagues and I refuse to turn a blind eye!

  17. 24 ott

    People like my colleague have been beaten, arrested, and in the worst cases given their lives so that you can vote. Please honor their sacrifices by making your voices heard in this midterm election cycle. Vote like your life depends on it, because it does!

  18. 24 ott

    Casting your ballot by mail is the best way to ensure that your vote is counted. Use these links, RT and share them with everyone you know!

  19. 23 ott

    Let's make history this year, Florida, by turning out in record numbers!

  20. 23 ott

    Casting your ballot by mail is the best way to ensure that your vote is counted. Use these links, RT and share them with everyone you know!

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