Adam SchiffHitelesített felhasználó


Representing California's 28th Congressional District and Ranking Member of the House Intelligence Committee.

Burbank, CA
Csatlakozott 2009. április


  1. okt. 28.

    The gunman is responsible for mass murder. He alone pulls the trigger. But we create the atmosphere in which the gunman acts, and no one sets the tone more than . It’s not enough to say the right words now if he preaches hatred and division every other day of the year.

  2. okt. 24.

    Yes, I was being sarcastic, but if my previous tweet was too convoluted let me be crystal clear: These are but a few of the most egregious lies being told about those fleeing violence and risking everything to seek a better life. Trump merely seeks to exploit their desperation.

  3. okt. 21.

    The extrajudicial and extraterritorial murder of a journalist is something we would expect of the Kremlin, not an ally. Jamal Khashoggi’s death must cause us to re-examine our relationship with Saudi Arabia, and that should begin with the suspension of military aid in Yemen.

  4. okt. 8.

    We can’t predict earthquakes, not yet, but we can give some advance notice. ShakeAlert sends a signal to transit systems, hospitals and first responders that a quake is imminent. Soon, we hope it will send an alert to your phone too. Joined BART today to see the pilot in action.

  5. okt. 1.

    A year ago, a gunman opened fire on a crowd in Las Vegas, killing 58 people and injuring 851. And yet, one year later and you can still go online and buy a “bump stock,” the device he used to fire 1100 bullets in the span of a few minutes. Had enough of this do-nothing Congress?

  6. szept. 28.

    We need to protect Mueller’s investigation now, not when a constitutional crisis comes. Wake up, my Republican colleagues. Stand up to this President. Defend our democracy and the rule of law. Do your duty.

  7. szept. 26.

    Trump’s congressional allies have been trying for months to bully Rod Rosenstein into resigning, and the current crisis is just the latest pretext. Here’s why his forced resignation would be dangerous to Mueller’s investigation:

  8. szept. 16.

    Any move by Trump to pardon Paul Manafort, or dangle a pardon, would be a further act of obstruction of justice. When he was running, Trump said he was going to drain the swamp, but the only person who’s draining the swamp is Mueller. Trump is threatening to pardon the swamp.

  9. aug. 31.

    I paid my respects to Senator McCain today at a ceremony in the Rotunda. He invited me to travel with him and it was a great honor. We didn’t always agree, but he wasn’t looking for that. He respected those who had a cause greater than themselves, and no one was a better example.

  10. aug. 26.

    There‘s every reason to believe Brett Kavanaugh was chosen because he doesn’t believe a President should be subject to investigation. We cannot accept a nominee to the Supreme Court who believes that any president is above the law. Period. The Senate must reject his nomination!

  11. aug. 24.

    Just introduced legislation with to prevent President Trump from retaliating against those on his “enemies list” by revoking their security clearances. The security clearance process must be governed by national security concerns — not political payback.

  12. aug. 6.

    Two years ago, Democrats sought agreement with Republicans that neither party would exploit documents hacked by the Russians. The GOP refused. We must develop that consensus now or it will only invite further meddling.

  13. júl. 25.

    Pompeo was asked whether he knew what the President agreed to in his private meeting with Putin. I ran his answer, below, through Google translate from English to Russian and back to English again, and this is what came out: “I have no idea. Not a friggen clue.”

  14. júl. 22.

    After his summit with Putin, Republicans can no longer ignore the fact that, whether he is or not, Trump acts like he’s compromised. Why else would he side with Putin, a former KGB officer, over his own intelligence agencies, bash Europe and favor the Kremlin over NATO allies?

  15. júl. 19.

    Today, Republicans on the House Intel Committee voted against our motion to subpoena the U.S. interpreter from the Trump-Putin summit to testify. The American people need to know what secret deals Trump made with Putin during his one-on-one meeting. Watch here:

  16. júl. 15.

    The President has difficulty concealing his admiration for Putin. Clearly he views the Kremlin strongman as a benefactor, given the Russian intervention in the election on his behalf. To give this unindicted co-conspirator a summit meeting, sends exactly the wrong message:

  17. júl. 13.

    My full statement on the Special Counsel’s latest indictment of 12 Russian intelligence officers for hacking Clinton campaign officials, the DNC, and the DCCC.

    Hozzászóláslánc megjelenítése
  18. júl. 12.

    In 1938, Churchill published a series of speeches warning of Germany’s rising menace, “While England Slept.” Today, one of America’s major parties is asleep, as a rising tide of authoritarianism threatens to submerge many of the world’s great capitals. My speech on the Floor:

  19. júl. 10.

    Ever mindful of his self-interest, Trump has picked Brett Kavanaugh, who once wrote that he didn’t believe a sitting President should be subject to criminal investigation or prosecution. Kavanaugh could be deciding vote on legal challenges to the Mueller investigation.

  20. júl. 4.

    Wishing you all a happy and safe Fourth of July!

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