José E. Serrano已認證帳戶


Congressman representing the South Bronx, New York.

Bronx NY-Wash.DC


  1. Healthcare Open Enrollment starts today! Don’t miss your chance to for 2019! Sign up before Dec 15 to start coverage on Jan 1st. In , open enrollment continues through Jan 31, 2019. To browse plans & check subsidy eligibility, click here:

  2. 10月30日

    At event organized by to show our support for the Jewish Community and to denounce all hate in all of its forms. We were joined by religious leaders from all areas of The Bronx as well as elected officials.

  3. 10月30日

    My office will be sponsoring a Medicare event to help you understand your benefits. Tomorrow, Tuesday. See flyer for information.

  4. 10月17日

    HAPPENING NOW: Join us shortly at our Job Fair at East Bronx Academy for the Future in

  5. 10月17日

    Proud to stand on the right side of history when it comes to protecting and advancing the rights of the community. Honored to receive a 100 on ’s Congressional Scorecard for my support of equality.

  6. 10月16日

    Standing in support of Postal Banking in the Bronx with my colleague , joined by . Calling Postmaster to create pilot program here. Have financial services available to address underbanked and unbanked

  7. 10月16日

    PRESS: Join us TODAY AT 3 PM in Hunts Point to call for the reestablishment of affordable banking services inside post offices in & the rest of the country. can provide affordable financial services under its current authority. Details:

  8. 10月4日

    Proud to announce that has been awarded close to $350k in funding from to help parents attend college in . It will provide child care on campus for low-income students w/ children. Read more on this grant here:

  9. 10月3日

    Met with representatives from J Street, in my Bronx office. We discussed our joint support for a two state solution, continued aid for Palestinians and Israel’s security. It was a great meeting.

  10. 10月3日

    Met with Deborah Cullen, New Executive Director of the and Shirley Solomon, Director of Government and Institutional Giving. I welcomed the new director, discussed my involvement with the museum throughout the years and reiterated my continued support.

  11. 9月27日

    Met w/ to discuss the Business Center Program which helps minority businesses start & thrive. As Ranking Member of Subcommittee that funds this program, I’m fighting to ensure SoBRO & others have the $$ to keep doing this important work

  12. 9月20日

    This morning I will join and other elected officials and members of the community as we observe the one year anniversary of hurricane Maria striking and to show our continued support for a full recovery.

  13. 9月20日

    It has been exactly one year since made landfall in & the island still faces many challenges, in part because of federal government’s inadequate response. We must continue to work together to help the island rebuild, with no strings attached.

  14. 9月19日

    Wishing all those in observance an easy and meaningful fast.

  15. 9月18日

    More than 7 months since Congress passed emergency aid, has not disbursed nearly 60% of it. This is unacceptable to the students & institutions still recovering from the storms. Where is the urgency when there is so much need?

  16. 9月13日

    Today is in New York- it is your chance to make your voice heard! Please take the time to vote if you have not already done so- find your polling place here:

  17. 9月11日

    Excited to be speaking at ’s The Importance Of The 2020 Census Panel today, part of . The is not only vital to our Hispanic community but to all minority communities across the country.

  18. 9月11日

    It's been 17 years since the tragic events of . We still mourn & honor those we lost that day

  19. 9月10日

    Happy New Year to all those celebrating ⁠ ⁠ this evening in and around the world. Shana Tova!

  20. 9月7日

    Led a letter w/ to to extend cost share waivers in order to help get back to its feet. is still suffering & cannot bear this financial burden by itself


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