Mark Takanoसत्यापित खाता


Proudly Representing California's 41st District. Member: , , .

Riverside, CA
दिसंबर 2012 पर शामिल हुए


  1. 1 नव॰

    Latinas make 53 cents for every dollar paid to white men. To close this pay gap, we need to raise the minimum wage, pass the Paycheck Fairness Act, strengthen workplace protections, and expand opportunities for high paying jobs. ¡Ya basta, let’s for !

  2. 31 अक्तू॰

    Student loans are scary and can stifle the future of students working to achieve their career goals. The cost of college shouldn’t be terrifying, that’s why have introduced the Act to make debt-free college a reality for all. Have a safe !

  3. 25 अक्तू॰

    Thank you to the Congressional staffers who joined my office for a day of service at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial! Volunteers helped clean up and re-mulch the memorial for visitors to enjoy.

  4. 22 अक्तू॰

    Today is the LAST DAY to register to vote in California before the election on November 6. Elections have consequences. If you confirmed your voter registration status, find 5 friends and tell them to register. There is too much at stake! ➡️

  5. 18 अक्तू॰

    How I feel after earning a 100% on the for my commitment to protect and advance the rights of LGBTQ people:

  6. 12 अक्तू॰

    🚨Attention all Jurupa Unified School District students🚨 My office is partnering with State and State Senator for the Pathways to Higher Education conference. The conference is free and open to all students and parents in JUSD. Conference details ⬇️

  7. 11 अक्तू॰

    As the 1st openly gay person of color elected to Congress, I'm lifting the voices of the LGBTQ community and fighting for the rights of all people. Your journey is your own, so when—and if—you decide to come out, know that a loving community stands with you.

  8. 10 अक्तू॰

    Many Americans would be shocked to learn that there are veterans who are being deported after serving honorably. Congress can help give rightful honor to all of our veterans by ensuring that immigrant servicemembers are able to obtain their U.S. Citizenship.

  9. 8 अक्तू॰

    Happy Hispanic Heritage Month! As we honor the history, culture, and contributions of the Hispanic community, let's keep working together to advance the causes that we care about and ensure that the Hispanic community continues to thrive.

  10. 3 अक्तू॰

    5,520 flags were planted on the National Mall to raise awareness about the veterans we have lost to suicide in 2018 so far. It's a striking reminder of the urgency of this issue and the need for Congress to stand by our commitment to care for all of our veterans.

  11. 1 अक्तू॰

    Judge Brett Kavanaugh does not possess the impartiality required for a Justice to be “fair and balanced” on the Supreme Court. He is a political hack in judicial robes.

  12. 28 सित॰

    I went to the Hart Senate Building to thank the brave women who are sharing their stories, speaking out against injustice, and demanding better from their government. The power of the people is greater than the people in power — we cannot give up the fight.

  13. 27 सित॰

    . listen to — this is not a trial. Delay this confirmation hearing. I stand with Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

    यह थ्रेड दिखाएं
  14. 27 सित॰

    We are demanding justice for Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

    यह थ्रेड दिखाएं
  15. 27 सित॰

    I just walked to McConnell’s office with to demand that he delay this rushed confirmation hearing. Dr. Christine Blasey Ford deserves to be treated fairly.

    यह थ्रेड दिखाएं
  16. 26 सित॰

    Ahead of tomorrow's testimony by Dr. Christine Blasey Ford in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee, I joined to stand in solidarity with Dr. Ford and every survivor.

  17. 25 सित॰

    We can ensure that every veteran can access their benefits and get the quality care they need by: ✔️ Fighting against VA privatization ✔️ Holding predatory for-profit colleges accountable ✔️ Filling VA employee vacancies ✔️ Creating a VA that works for every veteran

  18. 25 सित॰

    Your vote matters. Get informed and make your voice heard this November! On , make sure you, your family, and friends are registered to vote ➡️

  19. 24 सित॰

    By working together, Congress can help America keep the promises it made our veterans and ensure that every veteran can get the quality care they deserve. Read my speech to the at their 100th National Convention ➡️

  20. 21 सित॰

    Congress can and must address the systemic barriers that lead to the wage gap. asked Members of Congress what we’re doing about equal pay, my response is below.

लोड होने में कुछ समय लग रहा है.

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