Ted YohoПідтверджений профіль


Representing Florida's 3rd Congressional District; large animal veterinarian; conservative business owner; Member of & Committees

Дата приєднання: січень 2013


  1. 13 жовт.

    Happy 243rd Birthday to the U.S. Navy!Thank you to all the brave sailors, old and new, for your service and sacrifice to our nation.

  2. 12 жовт.

    Thank you to all our farmers and ranchers who put food on our tables every day. For everyone who works in acres and not hours, we salute you.

  3. 10 жовт.

    Wishing the people of a very Happy !

  4. 26 вер.

    I applaud today’s announcement that the US and Japan will enter into trade negotiations. I advocated for this during my recent trip to Japan while meeting with Trade Minister Seko.

  5. 26 вер.

    Enjoyed joining my co-chair of the Caucus for Effective Foreign Assistance, , & at this morning to discuss the importance of effective foreign aid.

  6. 17 вер.

    Happy ! 231 years ago today, America’s founders signed the United States Constitution and forever changed the course of history.

  7. 17 вер.

    Critical deadline approaching for students wanting to apply for the service academies! Be sure to visit for more information.

  8. 23 серп.

    Thank you to the folks /Orange Park for the wonderful campus visit. Proud of the students for investing in themselves and their future. You are doing today what others won’t so you may do tomorrow what others can’t. Stay passionate!

  9. 1 серп.
  10. 26 лип.

    Honored to address conferees this morning at the Eighth Annual CSIS South China Sea Conference (SCS). Thank you to & for the opportunity to discuss maintaining the rule of law in a free and open SCS.

  11. 19 лип.

    I had a great time speaking with Florida's future leaders today at the . These kids are destined for great things.

  12. 20 черв.

    Pleasure having Mike Green ; ; testify before the AP Subcmte on the outcomes of the . They provided invaluable recommendations on the path forward.

  13. 17 черв.

    One of the greatest honors in my life is being a father to three great kids. Today, I wish all the fathers in FL-03 a Happy Father’s Day!

  14. 14 черв.

    “The Army Goes Rolling Along” - Happy 243rd Birthday to the ! Thank you to all who have served and are serving our great nation.

  15. 11 черв.

    I will be on 's today at 1pm to discuss the upcoming summit between and Kim Jong-un. Hope you can watch!

  16. 7 черв.

    Productive mtg w/ Young Cattlemen. We discussed the benefits of the 2018 & the need to pass my Hours of Service legislation for livestock haulers. It's important we care for the animals we transport to market while adhering to safety standards for our drivers.

  17. 18 трав.

    Honored to meet with members of the Korean American Midshipmen Association (KAMA). These bright men and women of the are the best of America and I thank them for their service to the country.

  18. 15 трав.

    My prayers are with Officer Lance C. Whitaker who died yesterday responding to a call for help. May he rest in peace and may the Lord comfort his family.

  19. 15 трав.

    God Bless the brave men and women who serve and protect our communities every day. We should honor our police officers daily for their selfless sacrifice. Today, Peace Officers Memorial Day, we honor those who have fallen in the line of duty.

  20. 1 трав.

    Help celebrate by visiting local shops in your community. 98.9% of Florida’s businesses are small businesses; employing 3.2 million people.

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