Rep. Jacky RosenTài khoản được xác nhận


Congresswoman representing Nevada's 3rd District. . Computer programmer. Former synagogue president.

Las Vegas, NV
Đã tham gia tháng 1 năm 2017


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    01000111011010010111001001101100001000000101000001101111011101110110010101110010 ↓ That's binary for "GIRL POWER"

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  2. I refuse to watch this Administration take us back to a time when big insurance companies could discriminate against you or deny you coverage just for being sick. I'm urging state AGs to drop their lawsuit that would overturn protections for pre-existing conditions.

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  3. The Trump Administration needs to stop attacking protections for people with pre-existing conditions. I sent a letter urging the President to end his crusade to undermine our health care and drop his support for a lawsuit that would nullify these critical protections.

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  4. November 1 marks the day that Latinas reach paycheck parity on average for every dollar a white man earned in 2017. Nevada’s women deserve equal pay for equal work, and I’ll keep fighting until they have the tools they need.

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  5. During Military Family Appreciation Month, we honor our men and women in uniform and the families that support them. Our military families in Nevada and across this nation make daily sacrifices to protect our freedoms and they deserve our utmost respect.

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  6. Don’t forget: open enrollment in Nevada begins TODAY! Make sure you have all you need to be prepared.

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  7. Happy Halloween, Nevada! Have a safe night full of fun and treats! 🎃👻

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    is on Wednesday & is hoping for a safe experience for everyone including your pets 🐶🐱. And remember, we are encouraging wrapping up trick-or-treating in Las and be . For Halloween safety tips & information visit .

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  9. đã Tweet lại
    29 thg 10

    October is . Check out our glossary of terms to get ready for Open Enrollment on November 1.

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  10. I sent a letter urging the to swiftly address the recent backlog in monthly housing allowance payments for student veterans using their GI Bill benefits.

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  11. President Trump does not have the power to unilaterally defy our Constitution to take away citizenship from people who are born in this country. I'll fight to prevent this reckless plan from moving forward.

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  12. This horrific mass shooting at the Tree of Life Congregation in Pittsburgh is devastating - a cowardly and hateful act of violence at a house of worship. I’m grateful for our first responders, and my heart breaks for the victims and their loved ones.

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  13. I’ve been proud to call Nevada home for nearly 40 years. This Nevada Day, let’s remember what makes our state so special by celebrating our history, our strength, and our diversity!

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  14. I stand with my fellow Nevadans in opposing turning our state into the nation's nuclear dumping ground. President Trump's recent promise on Yucca Mountain is merely empty rhetoric unless he zeroes out funding for the project in his annual budget request.

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  15. I'm proud to receive a perfect score from for my support of LGBTQ equality legislation in Congress. I'll continue fighting for equality for all Nevadans.

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  16. While I’m encouraged to see the President is finally willing to change course on Yucca Mountain, we must continue to hold this Administration accountable & ensure the White House & Republican leaders follow through on abandoning this reckless project.

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  17. This morning, I toured and discussed my bipartisan Cyber Ready Workforce Act, which would establish a grant program to support the creation, implementation, and expansion of apprenticeship programs in cybersecurity.

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  18. I support 's announcement requiring pharmaceutical companies to include price information in their television ads. Learn more about legislation I backed to increase drug price transparency here:

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  19. I’m proud to have helped introduce the Korean War Combat Veterans Congressional Gold Medal Act. This bill would honor combat veterans who served in the with a Congressional Gold Medal in recognizing their service in the interest of world peace and security.

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  20. 📣Attention students! Today is the last day to submit your application for the 2018 Congressional App Challenge! Visit @CongressionalApp or for more information.

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  21. I spent time at the Las Vegas India Chamber of Commerce’s gala this evening and discussed my bipartisan work to help promote economic growth for Nevada’s small businesses.

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