Ileana Ros-LehtinenVerifizierter Account


Blessed to rep beautiful South Florida and the wonderful folks who live here!

Miami, Florida
Beigetreten April 2008
Geboren 15. Juli


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  1. Me alegra ver a mis constituyentes en el Sur de la Florida apoyando la lucha del pueblo nicaragüense q exije la salida de los Ortega Murillo. Con mi y sanciones individuales seguiremos poniendo presión a este regimen criminal y dictatorial. merece ser libre

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  2. Hable c José Luis Ramos de sobre mi carrera en el servicio público representando a nuestra comunidad del Sur d la y luchando por libertad y democracia en . Gracias, José Luis!

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  3. Dex and I send our warm wishes and a Happy to all who celebrate this joyous occasion. May the Festival of Lights bring you happiness and prosperity this season and in the years to come.

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  4. students: applications for Academy Nominations are open thru Nov. 10. Here’s your chance to participate for a nomination 2 attend prestigious academic institutions. Find more info:

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  5. There are over 100 million Americans living with diabetic conditions. On this , let's recommit to work in a bipartisan manner to improve prevention + fund research so that a cure is found.

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  6. Felicidades to two of my alma maters: and ! Tremendo turnout!

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  7. hat retweetet
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  8. Yes, , Chuckie has been a true leader in Congress in finding bipartisan solutions to the challenges of global climate change. I’m proud to be on the common-sense climate caucus that and cofounded.

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  9. Muchas gracias, , for your kind & humbling words! It’s been an honor serving our community & the wonderful folks who live here. Gracias, amiga!

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  10. hat retweetet
    4. Nov.
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  11. Domingo es el día favorito de y p/golpear y encarcelar al pueblo cubano. Demando a este régimen opresor y sus repetidos abusos y sigo apoyando pasos p/ sancionar y responsabilizar a estos criminales hasta q sea verdaderamente libre y democrática

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  12. 4. Nov.

    Always great to catch up with ’s, Jim , as we talk about my plans after my retirement from and the future of .

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  13. 4. Nov.

    Gracias, ! Ayer asistí a la caminata d en apoyo a las familias y pacientes d ’s. Mi madre falleció d esta enfermedad y esa experiencia desgarradora sigue siendo gran influencia en mi labor en el .

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  14. 3. Nov.

    Hey, ! Welcome to !! We haven’t met, have we? Bienvenida! As I leave, u enter!

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  15. 3. Nov.

    Halloween is over so now to Turkey Time! Getting ready for Thanksgiving with Dexter Wayne! Lots of items for the grandkids!

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  16. 3. Nov.

    Rooting for my alma mater, , as we face . has its Turnover Chain ready, .

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  17. 3. Nov.

    Proud to see so many from our community gathered at + to show their support for those impacted by the dreadful disease of ’s. Great to see + keeping things upbeat!

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  18. hat retweetet
    3. Nov.

    Great morning at the 2018 Walk to End Alzheimer’s at Museum Park. This event brings together teams of volunteers to raise awareness and support for Alzheimer’s research. Happy to see unite in the fight to !

    , , und 2 weitere
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  19. 3. Nov.

    So glad to be joining ’s at . Fighting against is personal for me. I lost my mom to this terrible disease so I understand the impact it has on patients, families + caregivers. But together we stand strong to find a cure + .

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  20. 3. Nov.

    Saturday means that the Lehtinen’s are cheering on as we play against . Warning, , has its and so do we!

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