Jeb Hensarling认证账号


Fighting to control spending & tax increases while advancing the principles of family, free enterprise, and freedom. Chairman.

Washington, D.C.
加入于 2009年1月


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  1. 10月4日

    Praying for all of the families affected by yesterday’s school bus crash, especially the parents of the child who was lost in this tragic accident.

  2. 9月7日

    Fannie & Freddie were at the epicenter of the last financial crises. 10 years later, unless we act, they may help cause the next. We can’t reform them without Democratic votes, so I'm offering a bipartisan plan to help save taxpayers.

  3. 8月1日

    Tariffs are a tax in the form of higher prices - and these higher prices are about to hit the American consumer.

  4. 7月18日

    Proud to vote today in support of our ICE agents. As any Texan can tell you, our current immigration system is desperately in need of repair, but the solution is to focus on preventing and prosecuting those who break our laws, not trying to undermine the agents who enforce them.

  5. 7月4日

    Great morning at the Lake Highlands 4 th of July Parade! Great day to remember and celebrate the gift of freedom and American exceptionalism.

  6. 6月8日
  7. 6月7日

    Happy Birthday to my great friend, Mike Pence!

  8. 6月5日

    My iPad continues to be awash with reports that our national debt is unsustainable. This is just one more sobering reminder – something that is unsustainable one day stops. There is only one solution and it is to reform entitlement programs for future beneficiaries.

  9. 6月5日

    Furthermore, for the first time in almost 40 years, Social Security’s cost will exceed its income. Both of these troubling reports are further evidence that as a nation we are continuing to spend money we do not have and we are passing the bill to future generations.

  10. 6月5日

    We have two ominous events occurring because of failing entitlement programs. A new report from the Medicare trustees projects that the Medicare’s Hospital Insurance Trust Fund will be depleted three years earlier than previously reported.

  11. 5月31日

    The Administration may be correct in claiming that the existing steel and aluminum tariffs have been helpful to some workers and jobs, but it’s hurt other businesses that use these metals. It’s going to be a tax on all consumers.

  12. 5月31日

    Protectionist policies typically are another version of crony capitalism with the government picking winners and losers.

  13. 5月31日

    I strongly disagree with the decision to move forward with the implementation of tariffs on aluminum and steel imports from Mexico, Canada, and the EU under the guise of national security concerns.

  14. 5月28日

    It is my sincere hope that you will take time to reflect upon the service of our fallen heroes. On this Memorial Day and every day, I ask that you join me in praying for those we have lost and their loved ones.

  15. 5月28日

    There are not enough words to describe how grateful I am to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice serving our country in the military. I am always reminded that freedom is not free, and it certainly cannot be taken for granted.

  16. 5月24日

    I again call upon the President and his administration to exercise extreme caution and focus on the nation states that violate the actual trade rules and force transfers of our technology and intellectual property.

  17. 5月24日

    All of the great gains President Trump has made with generational tax relief and bureaucratic regulatory reforms – the reforms that are fueling our economy – can be wiped out overnight if we end up in a global trade war.

  18. 5月24日

    Trade laws designed to uphold critical national security measures should never be used as an excuse for raw protectionism.

  19. 5月24日

    The Honda Accord is not a threat to our national security. However, taxing it with trade tariffs is a threat to the economic security of millions of hardworking American families.

  20. 转推了

    Chairman issued the following statement upon attending a signing ceremony at the for S. 2155, which represents the most significant pro-growth regulatory reform package since the passage of Gramm-Leach-Bliley nearly a generation ago ↓



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