Niki TsongasVerifizierter Account


Proudly representing the families of the Massachusetts 3rd District. More info at:

Beigetreten Januar 2011


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    vor 14 Stunden

    Thousands of homes still have no heat or hot water in the Merrimack Valley. Please share our guide to help tenants and landlords make their claims from Columbia Gas and avoid financial harm. English: Español:

    Guidance for Tenants and Landlords Affected by Columbia Gas Explosions
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    2. Nov.

    Congrats on the opening of the Rasmussen Education Center. What an important point in our present for students to revisit this poignant place in American’s past.

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  3. 2. Nov.

    The benefits are widespread, as the closing of the law’s loophole will simultaneously provide our servicemembers w/high quality training shoes, keep business here on American soil, boost job growth, & continue to spur American economic development & innovation.

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  4. 2. Nov.

    I was proud to work w/my colleagues to include a provision in the FY17 NDAA that closed a loophole in the Berry Amendment, a long-established law that requires the DoD to provide US servicemembers w/American-made clothing, footwear, & other essential equipment.

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  5. 2. Nov.

    Last month, 's distribution center in began shipping its first batch of athletic training shoes to the to be used by military recruits around the US – the first of nearly 100K pairs that will be manufactured right here in & in New England.

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  6. 2. Nov.

    Thank you to , the , , and for honoring me, and thank you for your invaluable partnership over the years that has accomplished so much to strengthen our national defense and keep our servicemembers safe.

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  7. 1. Nov.
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  8. hat retweetet
    1. Nov.

    Earlier this week, the MASS-TF attended an event hosted by & honoring for her many years of service. Thank you, Congresswoman, for your unwavering support for the Commonwealth’s military installations & our young men and women in uniform!

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  9. hat retweetet
    31. Okt.

    Col. Chad Ellsworth, installation commander, presented a replica of the Paul Revere lantern to outgoing U.S. Rep. at an event earlier today at . The event provided a chance for the regional defense community to say thank you for her support.

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  10. hat retweetet
    31. Okt.

    . presented retiring Rep. Niki Tsongas () w/ an artifact from the SAGE program, which helped keep the nation safe from nuclear bombers & helped pave the way for today’s early warning systems & capabilities like the FAA’s system for managing the airspace.

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  11. 29. Okt.

    We continue to mourn and pray for the victims, their families, and the Pittsburgh Jewish community. But the President and Congress also must act to condemn and eradicate hate in our society and to enact meaningful gun safety reform at the federal level.

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  12. 29. Okt.

    In these challenging times, we must combat the treacherous rhetoric that divides us by elevating the national conversation with empathy, compassion, and respect for the differences and shared values that already make us great.

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  13. 29. Okt.

    The senseless attack on Jewish worshipers at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh was fueled by two very horrific weapons: guns and hate. Sadly, both are too readily available in our society today.

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  14. hat retweetet
    29. Okt.

    I’ve been working with my MA colleagues, , , & , to get emergency assistance for those affected by the . Glad to report that will now provide low-interest loans to impacted small biz & non-profits.

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  15. 29. Okt.
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  16. 27. Okt.

    People of all faiths and creeds have the right to worship without fear of violence in our country. Today’s horrific attack at The Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh was an attack on our way of life as Americans. We pray for the victims and their families.

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  17. hat retweetet
    26. Okt.

    BZ to the over 400 guests who joined us in honoring & Dr. Gary Kearney for their dedication to community! The overwhelming support will continue our mission to spark excitement about maritime heritage, naval service & American experience!

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  18. 25. Okt.

    I strongly condemn any and all hateful rhetoric and terrorizing action intended to promote violence or frighten, threaten, or demean another point of view.

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  19. 25. Okt.

    All of us – especially elected officials - have a responsibility to elevate our political discourse, listen to opposing viewpoints, and to be civil to one another – it is absolutely essential to our democracy.

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  20. 25. Okt.

    No citizen should fear violence or feel threatened as a result of who they are and what they believe. In these challenging times of heated national debate, we must remember that we are a nation of shared values and ideals.

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