Rep. Michael CapuanoTài khoản được xác nhận


Representing MA's 7th District in the U.S. House of Representatives; former Mayor of Somerville.

Đã tham gia tháng 6 năm 2016


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  1. 9/28/2018 – E-UPDATE Federal Aviation Administration; Federal Budget; Misguided Effort to Increase Retirement Savings; Irresponsibly Adding to the Deficit; More Tax Benefits for the Wealthy.

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  2. Legislation on appropriations, water infrastructure, and anti-Semitism, and a transportation subcommittee meeting on Positive Train Control, in my latest newsletter.

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  3. In my latest e-update: ; Ukrainian Independence Day; Massachusetts Alliance of HUD Tenants; Upham’s Corner Adult Day Care; Remembering Ambassador Princeton Lyman; additions.

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  4. Trump Administration's heartlessness has no end. Now they are targeting American citizens along the border for "citizenship fraud," revoking their passports and demanding they provide documentation to prove that they are citizens.

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  5. Schools need funding for academics, arts & mental health services for students. Not guns. I joined 172 Dems in calling on Secretary DeVos to prohibit federal education money from being spent on firearms.

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  6. Obama's CFPB handled 60K student loan complaints and returned more than $750M to student borrowers. The student loan ombudsman says current CFPB "has turned its back on young people and their financial futures."

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  7. Simply devastating news out of Jacksonville, FL. My heart breaks for the families who are grieving loved ones murdered through gun violence. I stand with determination and resolve with reform activists and won’t stop working for sensible gun control.

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  8. Senator John McCain dedicated his life to serving our country. His enduring legacy will be one rooted in service, courage and decency. I am keeping John and his family close to my heart tonight.

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  9. In my latest newsletter, I cheer the end of an pilot program of questionable value, detail my meeting w/ , report on my visit to in with and Deb Goldberg, & update my feature.

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  10. Senator John McCain has dedicated his life to serving our country – as a decorated member of the military who survived years as a prisoner of war - and in the halls of Congress. My thoughts are with him and his family during this very difficult time.

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  11. The internet has expanded opportunities for veterans--helping them to learn about health services, access education, and open small businesses. I support for the servicemembers and veterans who fight for us every day.

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  12. Congress must shield the Mueller investigation from White House interference, and must begin its own. I truly believe our democracy itself is at stake here. Country over politics!

    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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  13. Paul Manafort found guilty on 8 counts. Michael Cohen has pled guilty. Don't forget Michael Flynn, Rick Gates & George Papadopoulos. The evidence that is surrounded by corruption is growing, now there's a direct link to Trump himself by his own personal attorney

    Hiện chuỗi hội thoại này
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  14. The longer we wait to address climate change the harder it is to halt its harmful effects. Trump’s roll back of the Clean Power Plan makes a mockery of EPA's mission. It trims one-tenth the C02 and according to EPA's own estimates will cause more deaths.

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  15. Congratulations to the MBTA on receiving $20 million for Positive Train Control. This technology will save lives and make train travel safer across the United States.

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  16. In my latest newsletter: IG to review Quiet Skies; district meetings with the and Partners Healthcare ; a discussion about transit-oriented real estate development; and more additions to my feature.

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  17. So has reportedly cancelled his parade. It's boggling he contemplated spending $92M for unnecessary display of military strength to assuage his ego. How could he find nearly $100m for a parade after proposing hundreds of billions in cuts to our most vulnerable.

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  18. A fair & free press is vital to an informed society, protected by our Constitution, not “the enemy of the people” as dangerously proclaims. Thanks to for its leadership bringing many media voices together to defend the role of a

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  19. John Brennan served his country 30+ yrs at highest levels of our national security agencies. It’s troubling security clearances are being dictated not by whose advice might keep us safe, but by who happens to have a policy disagreement with the President on any given day.

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  20. Troubling questions are being raised about the TSA’s Quiet Skies program & the DHS Inspector General’s quick response to my letter requesting a thorough review is encouraging. The IG will review the program, including if it's complying with privacy laws.

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