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  1. Nov 8

    A kind reminder to advocates: murder is illegal. Whether it is with a gun, car, knife or a freakin' spoon, killing in cold blood is against the law. How will infringing on make anyone else safer from evil?

  2. Nov 8

    Gonna break this down for you Dems: We have a drug problem. We have a gang problem. We have an open border problem. We have a no God in schools problem. Our kids have a discipline problem. Guns are inanimate objects. We do NOT have a gun problem. More laws WON'T WORK.

  3. Nov 8

    Now the has handed Tucker Carlson and his wife grounds to be granted a concealed carry permit.

  4. Nov 7

    We'll take the judges! It is always a HUGE victory for the Second Amendment when a pro- judge is confirmed by the U.S. Senate!

  5. Nov 8

    Liberals exploiting grieving family members to try to advance their agenda of disarming American citizens makes me 1000x more resolute to never disarm. The was designed to let us defend ourselves against fascist libs.

  6. People View all

  7. 11 hours ago
    Replying to

    I bet the number of moms you’ve told their kids are dead from car accidents far surpasses those from gun violence unless of course you work in Chicago, in which case is another point that laws don’t work.

  8. If you ask me, the Second Amendment is one of the most critical components of our U.S. Constitution — that's why I introduced a bill to prohibit the use of federal funds for gun registries and it's why I practice my right to bear arms every single day!

  9. Nov 7

    to all members who got out and voted yesterday. You are the most powerful force in American politics, and we will never stop fighting against the anti-gun elitists bent on destroying our Second Amendment freedoms.

  10. Nov 8

    And right on cue, here come the Dems with their "Gun Control Now" propaganda. Did it ever occur to you geniuses on the left that had you not made it so hard for law-abiding patriots to protect themselves via your "gun free" zones fewer victims may have DIED last night?

  11. Nov 7

    Huge amount of victories last night. NRA account has a running list. Members vote!

  12. Nov 8

    I hate to politicize tragedies like that at last night's Borderline club, but most of the time when there's a mass shooting, it occurs in gun-free zones & areas with the strictest gun control. That's no coincidence. We don't have a gun problem. We have a HATE problem.

  13. 13 minutes ago

    Remember, prior to 1968 anyone could walk into a hardware store and buy a firearm. People even ordered them though the mail. Yet, mass shootings we're rare. So what really is the problem? People. People are the problem.

  14. 12 hours ago
    Replying to and

    Why are law abiding citizens so afraid of gun reform? I support but I also recognize the need for change.

  15. . . . - It appears that . ‘s purpose is to grandstand for the government and conceal how the Holocaust at Mt Carmel REALLY happened. Sad.

  16. This needs more attention-> Gun confiscation in Maryland resulted in police killing man in his own home for a legal gun.

  17. 51 minutes ago

    This thread highlights the ignorance involved in the firearms debate and Ignorance of the , its members, for what we stand. Conflating illegal gun use with law abiding citizens is flat out dishonest. Yeah

  18. Nov 6

    The Second Amendment is on the ballot. If you don’t vote, you are supporting the Bloomberg/Schumer/Pelosi EXTREME gun control agenda. It is that simple.

  19. Nov 10

    Shout out to all the police officers out there. I know you don’t get this enough but thank you. You are on the clock 24/7 and the media puts you out there as the bad guy. Keep up the good work!

  20. Nov 9

    Don’t believe in the lies coming from the media. Believe in our freedoms. We won’t back down. 🇺🇸

  21. Nov 10

    One of my babies, I know we can all appreciate a nice gun pic ❤️

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