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  1. Nov 9

    For the record, Republicans received 45 million votes during their infamous 2010 Red Wave. Democrats received 52 million in 2018. Don't ever let anyone tell you there wasn't a .

  2. The Democrats have already picked up 35 House seats — the largest number since 1974 in the wake of the Watergate scandal. In facts, the Dems could end up flipping as many as 40 seats. Guess what, folks — there WAS a Blue Wave!! 🌊 🌊 🌊

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  3. Nov 10

    I’ll confess I didn’t see the magnitude of this loss for Trumpism until days after the midterms. The was there, after all. It just didn’t crash loudly enough on the beach of cynicism, shrouded in the fog of 2016, to register with me at first.

  4. It’s time to call the results exactly what they were, a . As we govern, let’s recognize the American people voted for us to , grow paychecks, and defend democracy by putting a balance of power on an abuse of power.

  5. BOOM!!! Kyrsten Sinema wins, will become the first Democratic senator from Arizona in a quarter century.

  6. People View all

  7. Looking forward to working to give the people what the showed they want: an economy that puts them first, health care they can count on when they're sick, a country that treats everyone w/ dignity and respect, and an end to the corruption of our government and elections

  8. Nov 12

    Going to keep sending out reminders between now and Nov 27 that Democrat is in a Senate run-off in Mississippi. We can win this if we get out the vote. Help spread the word. Let’s keep the rolling. Donate/Volunteer here:

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  9. The was built drop by drop, after weeks, months, and years of organizing. This win is a product of fearless, determined organizing by YOU - the extraordinary, nationwide grassroots resistance. Sign up to let us know you’re in for phase 2️⃣:

  10. Nov 12

    Democrats ushered in the next generation of leadership to the House with this year's . But we need proven leadership at the top right now. I support 's bid for Speaker because she'll deliver the progressive agenda we voted for.

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  11. Nov 9

    b/c of I talked with some great ppl after my first I'm gonna try it again. Party I’ll follow u back if u: 1 Like 2 Retweet 3 Follow 4 Rely Looking for like minded friends. Serious, but with a serious sense of humor

  12. Suddenly Melania has a thought and it's Bolton's Deputy National Security adviser should be fired? And she has a fight with John Kelly? More like the white house trying to deflect , trump's EU failure & his shameful lack of support for veterans

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  13. Nov 12

    The is looking more like the every day. This Democrat House majority is NOT legitimate. President Trump and the DOJ must stand up to this theft of our elections. There is no choice but to appoint a Special Counsel to investigate Democrat fraud.

  14. Nov 12

    He’s got to go. I’ll follow you back if you: 1 Like 2 Retweet 3 Follow 4 Reply

  15. 7 hours ago

    These are willing to go nuclear in order keep the woman most responsible for leading us to, what turned out to be, the greatest Congressional in our party's history from the office she is the most qualified for, by leagues. Damn, 2016 on repeat. 2/

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  16. Nov 12

    Millennial turnout hit a record high for a Midterm election and was a massive part of the . We said from day one young voters could make the difference and they did! Our videos & texts reached over half a million Millennials in swing districts.

  17. 7 hours ago

    A picture (in this case 2) is worth a thousand words.

  18. 3 hours ago

    . currently has 19.1K followers. How quickly can we get him to 25K? Ready, set...GO!! 🔥

  19. 2 hours ago
    Replying to

    You, sir, are the very definition of partisan politics. And the majority will be happy to send you home in 2020.

  20. Nov 10

    A note and reminder for future elections: Democrats should learn how to combat this urge they seem to have to rush to the microphones and concede! Adopt the opposite state of mind: fight to the last bullet and then continue fighting! (Metaphorically speaking)

  21. BOOM!! In the 38th pick-up in the House, Democrat has defeated GOP Rep. Jeff Denham in California’s 10th congressional district. At this rate, the Democrats are on track to flip over 40 House seats! 🗳

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