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Qatar’s Legal Portal – Pic of the Week

This is a guest post by Janice Hyde, Program Officer for the Global Legal Information Network.

George Sadek and David Mao stand in front of the banner for the new Qatar legal portal, Al Meezan.

George Sadek and David Mao stand in front of the banner for the new Qatar legal portal, Al Meezan.

My colleague, George Sadek, and I had the privilege of accompanying Law Librarian David Mao on a recent trip to Doha, Qatar, where David offered opening remarks at a ceremony inaugurating a new portal that provides access to Qatar’s legal information.  The portal was created by the Ministry of Justice with the technical assistance of ictQATAR and is known in Arabic as Al Meezan, meaning “balance.”  I took this photograph of George and David following the ceremony, which received wide press coverage.

Global Legal Monitor: November Highlights

The ten most viewed Global Legal Monitor (GLM) articles in November addressed a wide range of legal subjects: Communications and Electronic information; Constitutional Law; Criminal Law and Procedure; Foreign investment; Immigration; Labor; Nationality and citizenship.  Below is a list of the articles in the order of their popularity: France: Law on Immigration, Integration and Nationality […]

Another Lame Duck Congress: the Last Days of the 112th Congress

Congress is once again in a lame duck session.  The Senate’s Virtual Reference Desk Glossary website defines a lame duck session as: When Congress (or either chamber) reconvenes in an even-numbered year following the November general elections to consider various items of business. Some lawmakers who return for this session will not be in the next […]

An Interview with Orin S. Kerr, Scholar-in-Residence

In June, Orin S. Kerr was named the Scholar-in-Residence for the Daniel and Florence Guggenheim Foundation Program on Demography, Technology, and Criminal Justice at the Library of Congress.  As someone who is interested in law and technology, I have really enjoyed serving on the advisory board for the Guggenheim Foundation Program, which Cynthia Jordan coordinates.  Orin is also a blogger, writing for The Volokh Conspiracy (one […]

Federal Holidays

Being a somewhat organized person, I have already started to plot out my schedule for next year.  When I do this, I like to check the calendar and get a list of  Federal holidays for the year.  This inspired me to think that, as a member of the Law Library blog team, I should write a short article about […]

The Federal Link to our Hometown Libraries

While visiting family recently in Scranton, Pennsylvania, I paid a visit to the Albright Memorial Library in the city’s downtown.  The high-pitched roof and gray limestone of this building bring back memories of the seemingly countless hours I spent studying during high school, when, sadly we did not even have dial up internet.  It is […]