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Wisconsin State Capitol – Pic of the Week

I recently had the pleasure of visiting Madison, Wisconsin, and while there I took a few minutes to tour the state’s beautiful capitol building.  I enjoy seeing various capitol buildings and previously blogged about my tour of the Indiana State House.

The Wisconsin State Capitol / Photograph by Andrew Weber

The Wisconsin State Capitol / Photograph by Andrew Weber

You might not be able to tell from the above photo, but the capitol building is cross-shaped with four wings spreading from the rotunda.

Looking up in the Capitol Rotunda / Photograph by Andrew Weber

Looking up in the Capitol Rotunda / Photograph by Andrew Weber

As someone who works on Congress.gov, the mural titled “Legislation,” pictured below, caught my eye. The Wisconsin government website describes it as depicting “a powerful older man with a long beard who holds a stylus in his right hand and is seated by a sphinx symbol of wisdom.”

You can quickly get to the Wisconsin State Legislature website from our State Legislature Websites page on Congress.gov.

Legislation / Photograph by Andrew Weber

Legislation / Photograph by Andrew Weber

Their site includes information about visiting the capitol, which I would recommend if you are in Madison.

Do you have a favorite state capitol building?

Nuremberg Trial Verdicts

Seventy years ago – on October 1, 1946 – the Nuremberg trial, one of the most prominent trials of the last century, concluded when the International Military Tribunal (IMT) issued the verdicts for the main war criminals of the Second World War. The IMT sentenced twelve of the defendants to death, seven to terms of […]

Australian and New Zealand Parliamentary Website Makeovers

Over the last couple of years you have read about the change from the THOMAS legislative information website to Congress.gov, and the many enhancements that have occurred along the way. While not as significant as this migration to a completely new website, both the Australian and New Zealand parliamentary websites have undergone makeovers this year. […]

Welsh Legal History

The following is a guest post by Clare Feikert-Ahalt, foreign law specialist for the United Kingdom and a number of Commonwealth jurisdictions at the Law Library of Congress.  Clare has previously written many interesting posts, most recently: FALQs: Brexit Referendum and The Case of a Ghost Haunted England for Over Two Hundred Years. Frequently, the four […]

On the Shelf: Hispanic Heritage Month and Recent Latin American Law Material Acquisitions

Earlier this year we reflected on Hispanic Heritage Month with a post by my colleague Francisco Macias. He and I have explored the origins of the month in previous years’ posts. You can read this year’s Presidential Proclamation online too. Once you know all about it, how will you commemorate this month? It begins each […]

New Chinese Rule Legalizing Uber

As described in previous blog posts authored by Jenny and Tariq, the rapid expansion of Uber around the world has presented new challenges to regulators in foreign countries. It is interesting to note that China recently issued a departmental rule regulating “online taxi-booking services.” Effective November 1, 2016, the Interim Administrative Measures for the Business of Online […]

My Beloved Eliza: The Final Letters from Alexander Hamilton to his Wife

On the morning of July 11, 1804, Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton met in Weehawken, New Jersey for a duel that would prove fatal for Alexander Hamilton. Burr was outraged over derogatory comments made by Hamilton regarding Burr’s character at a dinner hosted by Judge John Tayler in March of 1804. These comments were recorded […]

Vice of the Week: Would a Mezcal by Any Other Name Taste as Smoky?

As today is September 16th, which is Mexico’s Independence, it seems fitting to highlight something Mexican. And there’s nothing quite as deeply Mexican as mescal. Many people refer to mescal (or mezcal) as the “tequila with the worm.” In fact, this notion of tequila with a worm is touched upon in the Pura Belpré Award […]