Blogs Category: World War I

World War I: A Wartime Clipping Service Update: All 400 Volumes Now Online

The massive collection, World War History: Newspaper Clippings, 1914 to 1926, is now fully digitized and freely available on the Library of Congress website. The 79,621 pages are packed with war-related front pages, illustrated feature articles, editorial cartoons, and more. You can search by keywords, browse the content chronologically, and download pages. Coverage begins on June […]

Supplying the Great War

This post was written by Kelsey Diemand Librarian in Residence in the Science, Technology and Business Division. This month, we have commemorated the centennial of the end to the Great War. The Armistice of 11 November 1918 effectively stopped the fighting between Germany and the Allied forces after four years of violence, destruction, and chaos. […]

How to Sell War – and Peace

This blog post is by David Sager, Research Assistant in the Recorded Sound Research Center. This post celebrates the Centennial of the signing of the Armistice and makes use of recordings in the Library of Congress’s National Jukebox and images found in the Library’s Recorded Sound Research Center. These mementos are a stirring reminder of the […]

World War I: Armistice Day

This is a guest post by Ryan Reft, a historian in the Manuscript Division, to mark the 100th anniversary of the signing of the armistice ending World War I. “Everything for which America has fought has been accomplished,” wrote President Woodrow Wilson on Nov. 11, 1918, in a statement addressed to his “fellow countrymen.” The […]

Armistice Day: 100 Years Since the end of WWI

November 11, 2018 is the 100th anniversary of the formal end of World War I. It seems appropriate to say something about what this new day meant and came to mean. Also, I want to provide some highlights of Folklife Today blogs that marked the 100th anniversary of World War I. These were a part […]

The Law Library of Congress commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Armistice of World War I

This post is coauthored by Jim Martin, senior legal information analyst, and Robert Brammer, senior legal information specialist. The Law Library of Congress would like to take the opportunity to remember the sacrifices of our brave veterans who proudly served the cause of freedom over a century ago in World War I. The Law Library invites you to […]