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Office of Finance


Grants Management Services

Various pictures of Veteran-focused activities

Welcome to the Grants Management Services (GMS) Website!  We strive to provide the most current VA grants management information and other related information affecting our grantees and Grant Program Offices.

About Us

The Department of Veterans Affairs, Grants Management Services was established in 2011 to address the need to create an overarching office which would provide for collaboration among the individual Grant Program Offices.  GMS develops policies and provides guidance on grants management issues to grants and affected offices at all organizational levels within the Department.  Responsibilities of GMS include, but are not limited to:

  • Developing and updating grants policy chapters, which are included in Volume X of the Office of Financial Policy (OFP) Policy Volumes.
  • Providing guidance to Grant Program Offices regarding the implementation of new guidance and regulations.
  • Developing administrative tools and templates for individual program offices to leverage.

Alert iconImportant Alert from COFAR:  OMB together with Federal awarding agencies is issuing a joint interim final rule Link to external government site to implement the new guidance at 2 C.F.R. 200 titled Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (Uniform Guidance).  The rule will be available for public inspection December 18th, published in the Federal register December 19th and effective for new awards or some funding increments on or after December 26, 2014.  Read more » Link to external government site

Financial Policy Services

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External Links Disclaimer

This page may contain links to pages and/or documents outside the Department of Veterans Affairs Domain.  These are annotated as shown below in the content of the page.  We hope your visit was informative.

Link to external government site U.S. Federal/Military Sites — You will leave the Department of Veterans Affairs website by accessing this link.

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Connect with Us

  • Office of Finance (004)
    810 Vermont Avenue, NW
    Washington, DC 20420
  • Garnishments:  Any garnishment communications from courts and legal offices should be sent to the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) at:

    Attn: Garnishments Operations, Room 175
    1240 E. 9th St., Rem 1417
    Cleveland, OH 44199
    (877) 622-5930
  • Employee Verification:
    FSC:  Payroll Field Operations
    1615 Woodward St
    Austin, TX 78772
    (512) 460-5235
  • Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, and Bills of Collection:
    (877) 353-9791