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Center for Minority Veterans (CMV)



Participate in VA Research
  • Million Veteran Program (MVP) - CMV is in partnership with Veterans Health Administration MVP Office of Research and Development to increase registration of diverse pool of participants in the MVP during FY 2017.  The campaign collaboration will commence during the nationwide training call with Minority Veteran Program Coordinators (MVPC) in September 2016.  CMV staff will include efforts in their ongoing targeted outreach activities including diverse partner network and other federal agencies.  MVPCs will be asked to include MVP outreach efforts in their 2017 operations plans, and will include those activities in their quarterly outreach reports.  For additional information contact the MVP Information Center toll-free at (866) 441-6075 or visit the website.
  • VA, Boston University, and the Concussion Legacy Foundation have partnered to form the Brain Bank to allow research on chronic traumatic encephalopathy and other brain diseases.  Make a pledge to join the brain donation registry External link to a non-government website.
  • Tango to help Parkinson’s research External link to a government website - This study will research if and how two different types of partnered dance (adaptive tango) affect brain activity in people with and without Parkinson’s disease.
  • Service dogs for Veterans with PTSD External link to a government website - This study is to determine how Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are helped by a service dog versus an emotional support dog.
Special Volumes Resources External link to a government website comprises more than 26 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books.  Citations may include links to full-text content from PubMed Central and publisher web sites.  Please contact your local library External link to a government website to obtain the full-text of any of these references.

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  • Center for Minority Veterans
    810 Vermont Ave. (00M)
    Washington, DC 20420
    (202) 461-6191