
Free File is closed for the season. Check back in January 2019 to file your 2018 tax return.

The IRS encourages everyone to do a “Paycheck Checkup”.  To learn about how the new tax law may affect your tax return next year, review the new IRS Publication 5307, Tax Reform Basics for Individuals and Families.

Welcome to Free File, where you can prepare and file your federal individual income tax return for free using tax-preparation-and-filing software.

Let Free File do the hard work for you with brand-name software or Free File Fillable Forms


Income below $66,000: Free File Software

  • File your taxes with free, easy to use software
  • Free state return options are available

Income above $66,000: Free File Fillable Forms

  • Must know how to do your taxes yourself
  • Does math; offers only basic guidance
  • You must have your 2016 Tax Return
  • State tax prep is not available

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