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A safe and secure Missouri is one of the most basic building blocks upon which our state's future rests. To ensure security, the Missouri Office of Homeland Security was established on September 26, 2001. Missouri was the first state in the nation to create an Office of Homeland Security in response to the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

The Missouri Office of Homeland Security is not part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and does not have jurisdiction in matters of immigration, naturalization, customs enforcement or the National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS). For information about any of these federal programs, please call (202)282-8000 or click here for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security website.

Executive Order 05-20 was signed on July 21, 2005, moving the Missouri Office of Homeland Security to the Missouri Department of Public Safety. Placing the office here has allowed for better coordination between the Department of Public Safety agencies that do much of the daily work that makes up homeland security, such as the State Emergency Management Agency and the Missouri State Highway Patrol. In the same executive order, the Homeland Security Advisory Council was established to review state and local security plans and grant funding requests and make recommendations for changes to better protect Missourians. The Homeland Security Advisory Council was designed to be comprised of the director of the Department of Public Safety and relevant Public Safety division directors and, equally as important, directors of other state departments. This ensures a statewide focus for homeland security and an effective means for coordination of resources.