Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO)

ISOO Reports

In any given year, we may conduct a special study or studies that touch on major issues dealing with Executive Order 13526 or Executive Order 12829, as amended. Additionally, we report to the President on the status of the classification programs in both Government and industry on an annual basis.

Annual Report to the President

2017 ISOO Annual Report

Each year ISOO gathers relevant statistical data regarding each agency's security classification program. ISOO analyzes these data and reports them, along with other relevant information, in its Annual Report to the President.

*Please note - Starting FY 2013 the Cost Report and CUI Report have been incorporated in the Annual Report to the President.

Reports on National Industrial Security

Suitability and Security Processes Review-Report to the President, February 2014

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2014 Suitability and Processes Report to the President

2003 Report on Industry Perspectives

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2003 NISP Report

View more information on the NISP and resources related to the NISP.

Declassification Reports

2006 A Withdrawal of Declassified Records April 26: The Archivist announced the results of an audit investigating the withdrawal of records from public access for classification purposes.

