
Hemophilia is usually an inherited bleeding disorder in which the blood does not clot properly. People with hemophilia can live full lives and enjoy most of the activities that other people do. If you have hemophilia, or know someone who does, it’s important to learn how to stay as healthy as possible.

Close up of a woman tyoing on a laptop

The purpose of this series is to provide evidence-based information on new research, interventions, emerging issues of interest in blood disorders, as well as innovative approaches in collaborations and partnerships. We invite you to join us in this series.

Close up of a woman tyoing on a laptop

A national project to track and learn about hemophilia.

Videos on Hemophilia
Girl watching a video on her smart phone

Watch videos on hemophilia.

Alden Dunlap sitting with his dog.

Read real stories of people living with hemophilia.

Flickr Album: Living with Hemophilia and an Inhibitor