Division of Health Informatics and Surveillance (DHIS)

CDC Surveillance Strategy


Health decisions and actions are guided by timely and useful information.

National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System

National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System

Monitoring, controlling, and preventing notifiable diseases and conditions


NNDSS Modernization Initiative

Modernizing the systems and processes used to receive nationally notifiable disease data

Visit the website of the National Syndromic Surveillance Program (NSSP)

National Syndromic Surveillance Program

Improving CDC’s activities in public health surveillance

CDC Surveillance Resource Center

Surveillance Resource Center

Surveillance resources at your fingertips

DHIS Newsroom & Resource Center
NNDSS Announces New Message Mapping Guide for Foodborne and Diarrheal Diseases HL7 Case Notifications

National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System

The CDC National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System (NNDSS), in collaboration with the CDC National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases, is pleased to announce that a finalized HL7 message mapping guide (MMG) is now available for foodborne and diarrheal diseases (FDD). Public health jurisdictions can prepare to send their FDD diseases notifications by using this MMG, which is posted on the NNDSS HL7 Case Notification Resource Center at https://wwwn.cdc.gov/nndss/case-notification/message-mapping-guides.html.

Visit the NNDSS website

Learn how NNDSS defends America from health threats and why CDC is modernizing this critical notifiable diseases surveillance system.

Visit the NSSP website

NSSP and its Biosense Platform advance the timely exchange of syndromic data to improve U.S. situational awareness and responsiveness to events.

Visit the CDC WONDER website

WONDER makes health data available for public health research, decision making, priority setting, program evaluation, and resource allocation.

Visit the CRA web page

Countermeasure and Response Administration System (CRA) is an emergency response information system that tracks the administration and dispensing of countermeasures to local populations.

Visit the Epi Info website

Epi Info™ is a free software suite used globally for outbreak investigations; disease surveillance; and analysis, visualization, and reporting.

Visit the METS website

Message Evaluation and Testing Service (METS) validates health departments’ NNDSS case notification messages against messaging, vocabulary, and program standards.

Visit the MVPS page on the NMI website

MVPS is software that receives, processes, and provisions data for nationally notifiable diseases based on HL7 standards and new technology.

Visit the NBS website

NBS is an integrated information system that helps local, state, and territorial public health departments manage reportable disease data and send notifiable disease data to CDC.

Visit the PHIN DIR page on the PHIN website

The PHIN Public Health Directory (PHIN DIR) is a repository of information about people, organizations, and jurisdictions important to public health programs and of the roles that people play within organizations.

Visit the PHIN MS page on the PHIN website

PHINMS is software that securely sends and receives any message type and facilitates interoperability among public health information systems.

Visit the PHIN VADS page on the PHIN website

PHIN VADS provides standard vocabularies to CDC and its public health partners in one place as a web-based enterprise vocabulary system.

Visit the PHIN Guides page on the PHIN website

PHIN Vocabulary Standards is a key component in supporting the development and deployment of standards-based public health information systems.

Page last reviewed: January 2, 2019