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Antibiotic-Resistant Gonorrhea

Gonorrhea has progressively developed resistance to the antibiotic drugs prescribed to treat it. Following the spread of gonococcal fluoroquinolone resistance, the cephalosporin antibiotics have been the foundation of recommended treatment for gonorrhea. The emergence of cephalosporin-resistant gonorrhea would significantly complicate the ability of providers to treat gonorrhea successfully, since we have few antibiotic options left that are simple, well-studied, well-tolerated and highly effective. It is critical to continuously monitor antibiotic resistance in Neisseria gonorrhoeae and encourage research and development of new treatment regimens.


CARB Fact Sheet (February 15, 2018)

Gonococcal Isolate Surveillance Project (GISP) Profiles 2016 (March 2018)

AR Investment Map This interactive tool shows CDC’s key investments to combat antibiotic resistance (AR), including resistant gonorrhea, across the nation.

Blog by NCHHSTP Director: What Healthcare Providers Can Do to Slow Gonorrhea’s Growing Resistance to First-line Antibiotics

Combating the Threat of Antibiotic-Resistant Gonorrhea (August 1, 2016)