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Meaningful Use is about how technology helps humanity

About Meaningful Use

The American Reinvestment & Recovery Act (ARRA) was enacted on February 17, 2009. ARRA includes many measures to modernize our nation’s infrastructure, one of which is the “Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act”. The HITECH Act supports the concept of Electronic Health Records


In The Spotlight

Important Announcement

Please note:

  1. We have discontinued the use of GoToWebinar and request you to manually delete ALL meeting invites containing the GoToWebinar registration/joining information on your calendar.
  2. Now we will be using ReadyTalk as the presentation tool. Please watch this space for further updates regarding the Ready Talk registration link and other details.

If you have questions or need more information, kindly send an email to

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In-Focus (Click for more)

National Meaningful Use Public Health Focused Forums 

The following forums foster collaboration among public health jurisdictions, EHR vendors, national public health organizations, and other stakeholders to support the widespread adoption of EHRs for meaningful use and to improve population and public health. For more information on these initiatives and recurring webinars use the links provided.

Meaningful Use Public Health Technical Assistance Team

The CDC and ONC have a team to help resolve issues and answer questions related to the public health objectives in Meaningful Use. To request assistance regarding issue or to submit question, please email with “Request for Technical Assistance” in the Subject line.

Public Health Options (Click for more)

The following public health objective or measures are included for Stage 1, Stage 2, Modified Stage 2, and Stage 3 of the Electronic Health Records (EHRs) Meaningful Use(MU). For specific information, guidance, and instructions on reporting data to public health for these objectives or measures, eligible professionals (EPs), eligible hospitals (EHs), and critical access hospitals (CAHs) need to contact their state or local public health agency, immunization registry, or cancer registry.


While the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) is not a direct recipient of data from healthcare providers, the Eligible Professionals (EPs), the Eligible Hospitals (EHs), or Critical Access Hospitals (CAHs) for the Electronic Health Records (EHRs) Meaningful Use (MU) Medicare and Medicaid Incentive Programs, there is a new option per the final rule on modifications to Meaningful Use in 2015 through 2017; National Health Care Surveys can be used to meet the specialized registry public health reporting objective. EPs, EHs or CAHs can now use submission of data to CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) for the National Health Care Surveys as one of the measures to meet their public health objectives requirements under the Electronic Health Record Incentive Programs.


Stages.  Click a Stage for more information.

Stage 2 Meaningful Use Fact Sheets

Additional Resources