Health and Wellness Topics

Want to use healthfinder’s health content on your website?

We make all of our Health Topics A to Z available for syndication through the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Syndication Storefront. This content syndication feature from HHS lets you add our easy-to-read, actionable health information to any website.

Syndication means that the content is updated automatically on your site, so you don’t have to spend valuable time ensuring it’s up to date. It’s free, quick and easy to set up, and can match any website’s look and feel.

Our content is written in clear, plain language and is reviewed by subject matter experts from HHS at least once a year.

You can add all of the Health Topics A to Z content or select only the topics that make sense for your site. For example, you can select only topics related to diabetes prevention or children’s health.

Ready to get started? Create an account.

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