U.S. Flag Official website of the Department of Homeland Security

Contact Us

Review the Traffic Light Protocol FAQ for information about how NCCIC manages sensitive information.

Technical Comments or Questions

For cybersecurity inquiries about incident report, vulnerability report, or other technical questions relating to cybersecurity, contact the following:

NCCIC Security Operations Center

Phone: 888-282-0870
Email: soc@us-cert.gov


For encrypted email communications, use the following PGP/GPG key:

PGP/GPG key: 0xC7CC8980

Fingerprint: 487F 3664 3181 8D80 E514 C2C7 AFBA 1991 C7CC 8980

Media Inquiries

NCCIC Public Affairs

Phone: 202-282-8010

General Comments or Questions

NCCIC Information Request

Phone: 888-282-0870
(From outside the United States: 703-235-5110)
Email: info@us-cert.gov

Postal Address

Mailstop: 0635
245 Murray Lane SW Bldg 410
Washington, DC 20528

Refer to the DHS Mailing Address webpage for additional information on how to send mail to the Department of Homeland Security.

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