How to sort search results

You can arrange your results by using the Sort by drop down menu located in the upper right corner above your search results. You can sort by:


By default, we display the most relevant jobs at the top.

Close date

This is the last day you can apply to the job. We’ll display jobs in ascending order, starting with the earliest close date at the top.

Open date

This is the first day you can apply to the job. We’ll display the most recently opened jobs at the top of your search results. For example, we’ll display jobs that opened 1 day ago at the top, jobs that opened 3 days ago further down and so on.


We’ll display jobs in alphabetical order based on the agency name.


We’ll display jobs in alphabetical order based on the department name.


We’ll display jobs starting with the closest distance to your selected location.

Job title

We’ll display jobs in alphabetical order based on the job title.


We’ll display jobs in descending order with the highest starting salary to the lowest starting salary.