
  • employer.gov and worker.gov logos

    Employer.gov and Worker.gov

    These new sites join elaws as part of a suite of compliance assistance resources. Employer.gov answers common questions about the responsibilities of job creators towards their employees. Worker.gov guides workers to information about their rights and common workplace concerns.

  • Employees gathered around computer

    About elaws

    The elaws Advisors help employees and employers learn their rights and responsibilities under Federal employment laws.

  • Veteran in wheelchair

    Family & Medical Leave Act Advisor

    The FMLA Advisor explains coverage and eligibility under the FMLA and valid reasons for leave, including for military families.

  • Employees in break room

    Poster Advisor

    The Poster Advisor helps employers determine which Federal DOL posters they are required to display and print them free of charge.

  • Employees in break room

    FirstStep Employment Law Advisor

    This Advisor helps employers determine which major Federal employment laws administered by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) apply to their business or organization, what recordkeeping and reporting requirements they must comply with, and which posters they need to post.

elaws Advisors by Category