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End-of-life care describes support and medical care given during the time surrounding death. Read the articles below to learn what happens before, during, and after dying.


What Is End-of-Life Care?

Caregivers: Learn about palliative care, hospice, advance directives, and how to care for people you love when they near the end of their lives.
Photo album and glasses on a hospital bed

Where Can I Get End-of-Life Care?

There’s no right place to die. Caregivers should consider the best option for their situation: home, hospital, nursing home, or another place.
blanket on the end of an empty hospital bed

What Happens When Someone Dies?

What can you expect to happen when someone is dying? Read about dyspnea and other symptoms people experience in the last days of life.
Cards in a hospital room saying "I love Grandma"

What to Do After Someone Dies

What do you need to do after someone you love dies? Learn about who signs the death certificate, organ donation, and whether you need an autopsy.
Dandelion blowing in the wind

Getting Help for Your Grief

Mourning someone close to you can leave you lost, sad, or angry. Get help for your grief and loss through grief counseling and support groups.
Dog laying beside empty chair, walker, and slippers

Mourning the Death of a Spouse

Get help for your grief after the death of a spouse. Read about bereavement counseling, support groups, and how to get on with life without your partner.
Older man mourning the death of a spouse