Office of Advocacy

Advocacy is an independent voice for small business within the federal government, the watchdog for the Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) and the source of small business statistics. Advocacy advances the views and concerns of small business before Congress, the White House, the federal agencies, the federal courts and state policy makers. 
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Office Spotlight

Advocacy is hosting small business roundtables in order to hear firsthand from small businesses facing regulatory burdens. Come tell us which federal agency regulations should be considered for reform or elimination. Let us know which regulations are problematic for your business.


Can’t get to a roundtable near you?

Fill out this form and tell us about your federal regulatory burdens. We will pass this information on to the appropriate agency and use it in the planning of upcoming Regulatory Reform Roundtables. 

**By filling out this form you are helping us determine the most important federal regulations that impact your small business. Names and other personal information provided will not be shared without prior consent.**