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Priority Trade Issue: Antidumping and Countervailing Duties

When the Department of Commerce finds that imported merchandise was sold in the U.S. at an unfairly low or subsidized price, to level the playing field for U.S. companies injured by these unfair trade practices, CBP is responsible for collecting the Antidumping and Countervailing Duties (AD/CVD) in a timely manner.

The goal of this AD/CVD Priority Trade Issue is to detect and deter circumvention of the AD/CVD law, to liquidate final duties timely and accurately, while at the same time facilitating legitimate trade.

AD/CVD Program and Guidelines

Automated Commercial Environment (ACE)

AD/CVD Information for Customs Brokers and Filers

Continued Dumping and Subsidy Offset Act of 2000 (CDSOA)

CDSOA, otherwise known as the Byrd Amendment, was passed on October 28, 2000 and remained effective until October 1, 2007.  The provisions of this act allowed for parties filing pricing complaints to share in the funds collected under the AD/CVD program.

Last modified: 
November 30, 2018