
Visitors can tour many highlights on Capitol Hill without registering.


Ten Steps to Energy Savings and Sustainability for your Office
The Architect of the Capitol’s Legacy of Sustainability began with the setting...


View of the Labor Day Concert on the U.S. Capitol West Front Lawn during sunset.
On September 2, 2018, the annual Labor Day Capitol Concert featuring the...

Senate Office Buildings Jurisdiction

Senate Office Buildings Jurisdiction

Brian Crupi works on a switch control cabinet which allows operators to move a subway car to the Hart and Dirksen Buildings from one track to the other for maintenance work.

The Senate Office Buildings jurisdiction oversees the office and committee space for the United States Senate.

The jurisdiction is responsible for the daily care, maintenance, repair and operations of 2.9 million square feet of facility space, including the Russell, Dirksen and Hart Senate Office Buildings; restaurants; an employees' child care center; a congressional page school and student dormitory; and subway systems. The jurisdiction also manages five leased facilities housing off-site Senate support organizations and coordinates the office move process for senators and staff.

Need Assistance?

Contact the Senate Superintendent Service Center at 202.224.3141 or submit an Online Service Request (must be connected to Capitol Hill network to access link).

AOC Senate Project Updates

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