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picture showing a city street flooding with water, waves splash against parked cars.
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Business Emergency Preparedness Social Media Toolkit

How to Use this Toolkit

The Business Emergency Preparedness Social Media Toolkit has safety and preparedness messages you can share on your social media channels. You can either copy these messages directly or customize them to reach your audience.

Businesses Face a Variety of Hazards

  • Natural hazards like floods, hurricanes, tornadoes, and earthquakes.

  • Health hazards such as widespread and serious illnesses like the flu.

  • Human-caused hazards including accidents and acts of violence.

  • Technology-related hazards like power outages and equipment failure.

What You Should know

  • Know what to do before, during, and after a disaster.

  • Identify your risks. Know what disasters are most likely to affect your business.

  • Develop a workplace emergency plan and be sure employees know it.

  • Create a crisis communications plan to keep in contact with customers, suppliers and employees during and after a disaster.

  • Test and practice your preparedness plans.

  • Have emergency supplies available at the workplace.

  • Check your insurance policies to ensure you have enough coverage.

  • Listen to local officials.

Graphics & Outreach Materials

For more engaging content, use a hashtag, include emoji’s, and attach graphics to social media posts.  Below is a collection of graphics you can share with the below text.

Plan Ahead

Crisis Response and Communication