NIOSH Data and Statistics Gateway

Illustration of an arch with data graphs behind it


Data are fundamental to worker safety and health research and surveillance conducted at NIOSH. They drive health and safety research priorities and recommendations produced by NIOSH. The data produced and used by NIOSH can also benefit other researchers and practitioners as well as the general public. This NIOSH Data and Statistics page has been developed to provide centralized access to NIOSH data. It can be used to find available NIOSH data and statistics and resources in a variety of forms. See data definitions to easily identify data types. The NIOSH Data A-Z index below categorizes topics for which data are available.

NIOSH Data A-Z Index

  A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M   N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   X   Y   Z

Research Data

Data collected in NIOSH studies and tools to aid coding in research and surveillance studies.

Research Data

Surveillance Data

Access to a range of CDC/NIOSH surveillance resources. Can be used as a central checkpoint for the latest NIOSH surveillance data and statistics as well as historic NIOSH surveillance information.

Surveillance Data and Statistics

Other Data Resources

Systems that provide information about NIOSH investigations, products, hazards, and a variety of tests and measurements.

Other Data Resources

Non-NIOSH Data Resources

This is a listing of non-NIOSH resources that also make data available to the public. These resources include NIOSH partners along with external agencies and other groups.

Non-NIOSH Data Resources

Page last reviewed: September 18, 2013