From the Field (and our blog)

Blog Post
The Milky Way Galaxy shines brightly with thousands of stars above a reflective pond with grassy green banks and small stone buildings rising in the background with dark leafy trees.

Immortalized by some of our nation’s greatest literary heroes, public lands have been the settings and subjects of novels, poems and songs.

Blog Post
Several veterans relax on the sand at the water's edge, casting their lines into the clear water and socializing among family and friends with green bushes rising in the background.

All across the country, Interior is partnering with groups to make it easier for disabled veterans and others to discover the therapeutic qualities of America’s public lands.

Blog Post
A dark brown bat opens up its full wingspan as it flies in a cramped stone cave.

With hundreds of species, bats are diverse, scientifically fascinating and found all across the country. Check out some of our favorite bat species found in the U.S., what makes them so cool and how we're protecting them.

From the Department

Press Release
Department of the Interior bison seal set against green mountainous background.

From day one, Secretary Zinke and I have been committed to leaving the Department in better shape than we found it; this includes addressing employee misconduct and harassment and improving our ethics program.