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October jobless rates down over the year in 272 of 388 metro areas; payroll jobs up in 56

Jobless rates were lower in October than a year earlier in 272 of the 388 metropolitan areas, higher in 95, and unchanged in 21. Nonfarm payroll employment was up in 56 metropolitan areas over the year and essentially unchanged in 332.

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workplace hazards registered nurses often face while performing routine duties

Occupational injuries and illnesses among registered nurses

This article examines the workplace hazards registered nurses often face while performing routine duties. read more »


Measuring labor market activity

Measuring labor market activity today

This article examines data on income-generating activities to explore measurement error in classifying labor force status. read more »


Independent contractors, on-call workers, temporary help workers, and workers from contract firms

Workers in Alternative Employment Arrangements

This Spotlight examines independent contractors, on-call workers, temporary help workers, and workers from contract firms. read more »


Projections, education and training, and wages for jobs that build and maintain infrastructure.

Employment outlook for building America's infrastructure

This article examines projections, education and training, and wages for jobs that build and maintain infrastructure. read more »


Making It Easier to Find Data on Pay and Benefits

Making It Easier to Find Data on Pay and Benefits

We have new resources to guide you on how to find the compensation data that are best for your needs. read more »

Latest Numbers


Consumer Price Index (CPI):
+0.3% in Oct 2018 News Release Historical Data

Unemployment Rate:
3.7% in Oct 2018 News Release Historical Data

Payroll Employment:
+250,000(p) in Oct 2018 News Release Historical Data

Average Hourly Earnings:
+$0.05(p) in Oct 2018 News Release Historical Data

Producer Price Index - Final Demand:
+0.6%(p) in Oct 2018 News Release Historical Data

Employment Cost Index (ECI):
+0.8% in 3rd Qtr of 2018 News Release Historical Data

+2.2% in 3rd Qtr of 2018 News Release Historical Data

U.S. Import Price Index:
+0.5% in Oct 2018 News Release Historical Data

U.S. Export Price Index:
+0.4% in Oct 2018 News Release Historical Data