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Note: If you are a GSA employee, you may login using your GSA Windows username and password.
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Changing Password - Clients and Contractors

System Announcement For Client and Contractor users: you may change your ASSIST password at any time, but must change it every 90 days. You may access instructions on how to change your password at the following URL : https://web.itss.gsa.gov/itss/v41_helpdocs.nsf/LUindex/ChangePassword.


System Announcement In October, AAS released the ASSIST 2.0 Interagency Agreement Part A (IA Part A) service, which provides the Regional CSCs the ability to create an electronic record for their Interagency Agreements (IA), and retired the ability to create and edit National IAs in the legacy OMIS application. IA Part A describes the general terms and conditions that govern the provision of assisted acquisition services between the Requesting Agency and Servicing Agency, GSA/FAS/AAS. In addition to the IAA, a new Closeout form has been incorporated into both ITSS and TOS. This form provides a FAR-compliant checklist to guide acquisition teams through the closeout process. Key features & benefits to ASSIST end-users include: One converged business process for RBA and NBA users to create new Interagency Agreements (IAs) || Improved data integrity & synchronization between applications || New FAR-compliant Contract Closeout functionality that is accessible for both RBA and NBA users. For questions or more information please contact AAS PMO Systems Team: Randy Matlack, Brian Oakes or Jeff Lobaugh.

TLS Upgrade Communication

System Announcement ASSIST upgraded Transport Layer Security (TLS) at the end of May and no longer supports TLS version 1.0. Please verify your browser security settings using the steps outlined in the link below to ensure uninterrupted service. https://web.itss.gsa.gov/itss/v41_helpdocs.nsf/LUindex/QuickTips

News and Information

Technical Support and Registration
 Call: (877) 472-4877
Email: AASBS.helpdesk@gsa.gov

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GSA Programs

Office of Assisted Acquistion Services
Assisted Acquistion Services (AAS)


Federal Systems Integration and Management Center
Federal Systems Integration and Management Center (FEDSIM)


Office of Integrated Technology Services
Integrated Technology Services (ITS)


Office of General Supplies and Services (IWAC)
GSA's Integrated Workplace Acquisiton Center (IWAC)


Governmentwide Acquisition Contracts (GWACs)
Governmentwide Acquistion Contract (GWAC)


Office of Network Services Program
Network Services Program

Pricing Estimation Tool (PET)