Contact ISP

Contact information for common requests and frequently accessed areas of the Indiana State Police are listed below.  General inquiry information is listed near the bottom of the page.

Compliment a Trooper

Have you witnessed an Indiana State Police Trooper being helpful? Has an interaction with a member of the Indiana State Police lightened your load or brightened your day? If so, please feel free to drop us a line letting us know how you have appreciated one of our officers or staff. Your word of encouragement will go a long way toward making that officer glad they put on the badge that day.

You can let us know how our officers and staff have put a smile on your face by email us at

Thank you for your support and encouragement of the Indiana State Police!

Allegations of Misconduct

The Indiana State Police Department is committed to maintaining the integrity of its employees and accountability to the public. Each year the department receives hundreds of letters, telephone calls, faxes, e-mails and personal visits from citizens who wish to commend the actions of many officers and civilian employees. There are, however, occasions when a citizen contacts the department for the purpose of registering a complaint concerning the conduct of an employee. The policy of the Indiana State Police Department is to accept and resolve citizen complaints in a manner which will demonstrate the department’s commitment to professionalism.

If you believe a member of the Indiana State Police has conducted themselves in an unprofessional manner, and you wish to register a complaint with the Department, please visit our "Citizen Complaint Procedure" page for more information on the complaint procedure.