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Advance directives & long-term care

Advance directives explain how you want medical decisions to be made when you're too ill to speak for yourself. Learn about specific documents, like living will and durable power of attorney. Also learn how to plan for long-term care payment.

Electronic prescribing

Electronic prescribing lets your doctor or health care provider send your prescriptions electronically and directly to your pharmacy.

Electronic Health Records (EHRs)

Health care providers use electronic health records (EHR) to manage health information, reduce medical errors, improve quality of care.

Download claims with Medicare's Blue Button

Learn about's Blue Button. Blue Button offers a safe, secure, reliable, and easy way to download your personal health information. You can download the information to a file on your personal computer. You can also import it into other computer-based personal health management tools.

Coordinating your care

Medicare works with health care providers to be sure they have the resources and information needed to coordinate your care. Coordinated care helps make sure you get the right care at the right time in the right setting.