Cervical & vaginal cancer screenings

Cervical & vaginal cancer screenings

 covers Pap tests and pelvic exams to check for cervical and vaginal cancers. As part of the 

, Medicare also covers a clinical breast exam to check for breast cancer. Medicare covers these screening tests once every 24 months. If you’re at high risk for cervical or vaginal cancer, or if you’re of child-bearing age and had an abnormal Pap test in the past 36 months, Medicare covers these screening tests once every 12 months.

Part B also covers Human Papillomavirus (HPV) tests (as part of a Pap test) once every 5 years if you’re age 30-65 without HPV symptoms.

How often is it covered?
Your costs in Original Medicare

You pay nothing for the lab Pap and the lab HPV with Pap test if your doctor or other qualified health care provider accepts 

. You also pay nothing for the Pap test specimen collection, pelvic exam and breast exam if your doctor or other qualified health care provider accepts assignment.


Your doctor or other health care provider may recommend you get services more often than Medicare covers. Or, they may recommend services that Medicare doesn’t cover. If this happens, you may have to pay some or all of the costs. Ask questions so you understand why your doctor is recommending certain services and whether Medicare will pay for them.

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