Medicare's Blue Button & Blue Button 2.0

What's the Medicare Blue Button?'s Blue Button makes it easy for you to download your personal health information to a file. The Blue Button is safe, secure, reliable, and easy to use. You can use the Blue Button to:

  • Download and save a file of your personal health information on your computer or other device
  • Print or email the information to share with others after you’ve saved the file
  • Import your saved file into other computer-based personal health management tools

What's Blue Button 2.0?

Medicare’s Blue Button 2.0 lets you connect your Medicare health information to other services you trust, like:

  • Applications (apps)
  • Computer-based programs
  • Research programs

Blue Button 2.0 gives you a wide range of options to manage and improve your health. Options might include things like:

  • Using an app to keep track of the regular tests and services you need based on your personal health information. The app can send you reminders when it’s time to schedule your next appointment.
  • Using an app or other computer program to track your health over long periods of time. This can help you and your doctor make better decisions about your health.
  • Using an app to organize your health information in an easy-to-read format, like charts and graphs. This can help you keep track of important information, like your medicines, allergies, or results of lab tests.
  • Connecting your data to research projects. Researchers can use your data to expand their knowledge about a range of health issues.

How do I download & share my health information?

  • Log into Look for the Blue Button as you search claims, and view your "On the Go Report".
  • Select the Blue Button to create a downloadable file with your information.
  • Select the information you want to download, and select "Submit".
  • Save the file to your computer as either a PDF or a TXT file.


If you use an app to download your Blue Button data, the above steps may happen automatically.


Why should I download & share my health information?

By using Medicare's Blue Button and Blue Button 2.0 to download and share your personal health information, you:

  • Get control over your health information
  • Make it easy to share your health information with doctors, caregivers, or anyone you choose
  • Get help managing and improving your health through a wide range of apps and other computer-based services

How do I protect my information? 

Since you control access to your health information, it's your responsibility to take steps to keep it safe. Treat your personal and health information the same way you'd treat your banking or other confidential information. Here are some important things to remember:

  • Keep your log in information private and secure.
  • You may want to download your information to a CD, flash drive or mobile app. We recommend you use encrypted and password-protected flash drives, CDs, and mobile apps.

  • If you want to send your information by email, encrypt the message.
  • Keep paper copies in a safe and secure place that you can control.
  • Blue Button and Blue Button 2.0 are optional services. You decide whether you want to share your personal information with others.
  • Medicare reviews all of the organizations that want to connect to Blue Button 2.0. But, it's up to you to choose the apps or other services you want to use.

    Call us at 1-800-MEDICARE (1-800-633-4227)

    • You think your information may have been downloaded by someone else
    • You want to remove an app's or service's access to your information