Health Insurance Blog - Health Insurance Blog en Important: Update & compare plans by December 15 <p>You can renew, change, or update your Marketplace plan for 2019 until <strong>December 15, 2018</strong>. That’s about 2 weeks away! If you don't update your application and enroll in a plan by the deadline, you may be automatically enrolled in a 2019 plan. While automatic enrollment is a good fallback, you may want to choose another option.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/important-beat-december-15-update-compare.png" title="{Update and compare plans for 2019}" alt="Image: {Man uses computer to update his application and compare plans online}" /></p> <h2>Log in, update &amp; compare</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/login">Log in</a> to your account to update your application with your expected 2019 income and household information.</li> <li>Compare your current plan with other available 2019 plans. You may find a new 2019 plan with coverage and features that better meet your needs — especially if you’re expecting income or household changes.</li> <li>Even if you want to keep your same plan, we strongly recommend that you update your information and check out all the plans available to you. If you don’t, you could miss out on savings and a plan better suited for your lifestyle.</li> <li>Learn more about <a href="/keep-or-change-plan/choices/">changing and renewing coverage for 2019</a>.</li> </ul> Thu, 29 Nov 2018 00:00:00 -0500 3 reasons to enroll in 2019 Marketplace coverage <p>Staying healthy is important. This Thanksgiving, give yourself the peace of mind that comes with having health insurance. You have until <strong>December 15, 2018</strong> to enroll in or change health insurance for 2019.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/why-its-important-to-have-health-insurance.png" title="{Reasons to get health insurance}" alt="Image: {Doctor fixes man's broken leg}" /></p> <h2>Why bother with health insurance?</h2> <ul> <li>Health insurance provides financial protection in case you have a serious accident or illness. For example, a broken leg can cost up to $7,500. Health coverage can help protect you from high, unexpected costs.</li> <li>With Marketplace coverage, you’ll get access to <a href="/coverage/preventive-care-benefits/">preventive services</a> — like shots and screening tests — at no cost to you. Getting recommended preventive services is a key step to good health and well-being.</li> <li>When you apply for insurance using the Health Insurance Marketplace, you’ll find out if you qualify for savings that can make insurance less expensive. Before you apply, <a href="/lower-costs/">select your household size, state, and income range</a> to see if you may qualify for financial help.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Ready to apply?</strong> See the <a href="/apply-and-enroll/how-to-apply/">different ways to apply for 2019 health insurance</a>.</p> Wed, 21 Nov 2018 00:00:00 -0500 2019 Open Enrollment ends in one month! <p><strong>Attention:</strong> Open Enrollment ends December 15, 2018. You have just one month to enroll in or change Marketplace health insurance for 2019.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/2019-take-action-and-apply.png" title="{Open Enrollment ends December 15, 2018}" alt="Image: {2019 Open Enrollment ends in one month}" /></p> <h2>Take action &amp; apply</h2> <ul> <li>There are many ways to apply for and enroll in 2019 Marketplace health coverage. <a href="/apply-and-enroll/how-to-apply/">See the different ways to apply.</a></li> <li>If you're applying at for the first time, <a href="/create-account">create an account</a>. If you already have one, just <a href="/login">log in.</a></li> </ul> <h2>Questions? Help is available</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/get-answers/">Get fast answers</a> to your common questions.</li> <li><a href="">Enter your city and state or ZIP code</a> for a list of local people and organizations in your community that can help.</li> <li>Call the <a href="/contact-us/">Marketplace Call Center</a> to ask a question, start or finish an application, compare plans, or enroll.</li> </ul> Thu, 15 Nov 2018 00:00:00 -0500 Get a quick idea of 2019 savings and costs <p>You have until December 15, 2018 to enroll in or change 2019 Marketplace health insurance. Before you apply, get a quick idea of what your costs may be.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/2019-marketplace-insurance-costs-and-savings.png" title="{See if your income is in the range to save for 2019}" alt="Image: {Calculator estimates income to see if in range to save}" /></p> <h2>Is your income in the range to save?</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/lower-costs/">Choose your household size, state, and income range</a> to see if you may qualify for financial help with a Marketplace plan, or for <a href="/medicaid-chip/getting-medicaid-chip/">Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)</a>.</li> <li>You’ll learn your exact savings and plan prices when you fill out a Marketplace application.</li> </ul> <h2>Ready to apply?</h2> <ul> <li>See the <a href="/apply-and-enroll/how-to-apply/">different ways to apply for 2019 health insurance</a>.</li> <li>If you're applying at for the first time, <a href="/create-account">create an account</a>. If you already have one, just <a href="/login">log in</a>.</li> </ul> Wed, 07 Nov 2018 00:00:00 -0500 Open Enrollment for 2019 Marketplace coverage is here! <p>Starting today, you can apply for new 2019 health insurance — or renew, change, or update your 2018 health plan for 2019.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/2019-marketplace-open-enrollment-starts.png" title="{2019 Marketplace open for business}" alt="Image: {Neon sign announces Marketplace is running}" /></p> <h2>Important dates</h2> <ul> <li><strong>December 15, 2018:</strong> Last day to enroll, re-enroll, or change for 2019. After this date, you can enroll or change only with a <a href="/glossary/special-enrollment-period" title="glossary">Special Enrollment Period</a>.</li> <li><strong>January 1, 2019:</strong> Coverage starts for 2019 after you <a href="/apply-and-enroll/complete-your-enrollment/">pay your first premium</a>.</li> </ul> <h2>Before you apply: Preview plans &amp; get ready</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/see-plans/">Preview 2019 plans</a>, with price estimates based on your income.</li> <li>Use this <a href="">checklist (PDF)</a> to gather the documents you'll need.</li> <li><a href="/income-and-household-information/">Learn how to estimate your income</a> for your application.</li> </ul> <p><strong>Ready to apply now?</strong> See the <a href="/apply-and-enroll/how-to-apply/">different ways to apply for 2019 health insurance</a>.</p> Thu, 01 Nov 2018 00:00:00 -0400 Preview 2019 plans & prices today <p>November 1–December 15, 2018, is when you can enroll in or renew a 2019 plan. Get a head start, and preview 2019 plans with personalized price estimates right now.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/get-ready-to-apply-preview-plans.png" title="{See health insurance plans and estimated prices}" alt="Image: {Preview plans and prices on your computer today}" /></p> <h2>How to preview 2019 plans and prices</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/see-plans/">Answer a few brief questions</a> about your estimated 2019 income and household to see available health insurance plans and estimated prices.</li> <li>Not sure how to estimate your income? <a href="/income-and-household-information/how-to-report/">Learn how.</a></li> <li>You’ll see exact prices later when you fill out or update your Marketplace application.</li> </ul> <h2>More on 2019 Open Enrollment &amp; plan shopping</h2> <ul> <li>See <a href="/quick-guide/dates-and-deadlines/">dates and deadlines for 2019 coverage</a>.</li> <li>Get <a href="/choose-a-plan/">quick tips on how to pick a plan</a> that’s right for you.</li> </ul> Thu, 25 Oct 2018 00:00:00 -0400 Find out what Marketplace health plans cover <p>All Marketplace plans cover the same set of essential health benefits, preventive care, and pre-existing conditions. Starting <strong>November 1</strong> you can enroll in or renew a plan for 2019, so you’ll continue to have access to these benefits.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/covered-health-care-benefits-care-conditions.png" title="{What’s covered with Marketplace health insurance}" alt="Image: {Patient seeks medical advice from doctor}" /></p> <h2>What are essential health benefits?</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/coverage/what-marketplace-plans-cover/">Essential health benefits</a> are a set of 10 categories of services — including doctor's visits, inpatient and outpatient hospital care, prescription drugs, pregnancy and childbirth, mental health, and more — that health insurance plans must cover.</li> <li>Plans must also offer birth control and breastfeeding coverage.</li> <li>These are the minimum requirements for all Marketplace plans. Plans may offer more benefits. You’ll see exactly what’s covered when you compare plans.</li> </ul> <h2>What’s preventive care?</h2> <ul> <li>Most health plans must cover a set of <a href="/coverage/preventive-care-benefits/">preventive services</a> — like shots and screening tests — at no cost to you.</li> <li>Preventive services are used to prevent illnesses, disease, and other health problems, or to detect illness at an early stage when treatment is likely to work best.</li> <li>These services are free only when delivered by a doctor or other provider in your plan’s network.</li> </ul> <h2>What’s coverage for pre-existing conditions?</h2> <ul> <li>All Marketplace plans must cover treatment for <a href="/coverage/pre-existing-conditions/">pre-existing medical conditions</a>, like asthma, diabetes, or cancer.</li> <li>Marketplace plans can’t deny you coverage or raise your rates based only on your health.</li> <li><a href="/what-if-im-pregnant-or-plan-to-get-pregnant/">Pregnancy</a> is also covered from the day your plan starts.</li> </ul> Thu, 11 Oct 2018 00:00:00 -0400 Open Enrollment is less than one month away! <p>You have less than one month until you can start enrolling in a 2019 Marketplace health insurance plan. See important dates to remember, and learn things you can do now to prepare.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/health-care-dates-get-ready.png" title="{Important health care dates &amp; ways to get ready}" alt="Image: {Woman writes health insurance deadlines on calendar}" /></p> <h2>Important dates to know</h2> <ul> <li>The 2019 Open Enrollment Period runs from November 1 to December 15, 2018. This means you have six weeks to enroll in or renew a plan.</li> <li>Plan coverage starts January 1, 2019.</li> </ul> <h2>Get ready today to apply November 1</h2> <ul> <li>Gather everything you need to apply by using this <a href="">checklist (PDF)</a>.</li> <li>Review <a href="/quick-guide/">quick tips</a> about the Health Insurance Marketplace.</li> <li>Return to shortly before Open Enrollment starts to preview 2019 health plans and prices before you apply.</li> </ul> Thu, 04 Oct 2018 00:00:00 -0400 Stay healthy with your free flu shot this fall <p>The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that everyone 6&nbsp;months and older get a flu shot every year. With your Marketplace health plan, your flu shot is free from a provider in your plan's network.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/reasons-to-get-the-flu-shot.png" title="{Make getting the flu shot a priority this fall}" alt="Image: {Sick woman sneezing in bed}" /></p> <h2>Quick answers about the flu shot</h2> <ul> <li><strong>Why get vaccinated:</strong> The flu shot helps keep you and the people around you healthy. According to the CDC, getting the flu shot lowers the risk of flu illnesses, doctor's visits, hospitalizations, and missed work and school.</li> <li><strong>When to get vaccinated:</strong> It’s best to get the shot before the flu starts spreading in your community, so try to get it by the end of October. Flu viruses are most common in the fall and winter.</li> <li><strong>Where to go:</strong> Getting the flu shot may be more convenient than you think. <a href="">Enter your ZIP code</a> to find a clinic near you.</li> <li><strong>How much it costs:</strong> Most health plans cover a set of <a href="/coverage/preventive-care-benefits/">preventive services</a> — including the flu shot — at no cost to you when delivered by a doctor or provider in the plan’s network.</li> </ul> <p>Get more <a href="">flu information from the CDC</a>.</p> Thu, 27 Sep 2018 00:00:00 -0400 What to look for when comparing plans <p>Open Enrollment for 2019 health coverage starts November 1. Knowing just a few things before you apply can make choosing a plan simpler and easier.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/what-to-look-for-comparing-health-plans.png" title="{3 things to know about picking a health insurance plan}" alt="Image: {Large numeral three}" /></p> <h2>3 things to know about picking a health insurance plan</h2> <ul> <li><strong>There are <a href="/choose-a-plan/plans-categories/">4 categories of health insurance plans</a>: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.</strong> These categories show how costs are shared between you and your plan. Plan categories have nothing to do with quality of care.</li> <li><strong>It’s important to think about your total health care costs, not just the premium.</strong> Other out-of-pocket costs have a big impact on your total health care spending — sometimes more than the premium. Get more information on <a href="/choose-a-plan/your-total-costs/">how these costs work together to make up your total spending</a>.</li> <li><strong>There are different types of Marketplace health insurance plans designed to meet different needs.</strong> Some plans may limit your provider choices or encourage you to get care from the plan’s network of doctors, hospitals, pharmacies, and other medical providers. Other plans may pay a greater share of costs for providers outside the plan’s network. <a href="/choose-a-plan/plan-types/">Learn more about health insurance plans and network types.</a></li> </ul> <p>Before you come back to apply for 2019 coverage on November 1, get more tips on <a href="/choose-a-plan/comparing-plans/">picking a health insurance plan</a> that’s right for you.</p> Thu, 20 Sep 2018 00:00:00 -0400 3 ways to get ready for 2019 Open Enrollment <p>Open Enrollment starts November 1. Here’s what you can do now to make the application process smoother.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/get-ready-2019-open-enrollment.png" title="{How to prepare for 2019 Open Enrollment}" alt="Image: {Notepad, checklist, calculator, glasses}" /></p> <h2>3 easy ways to prepare for 2019 Open Enrollment</h2> <ul> <li><strong>Gather everything you need before you apply.</strong> When you apply for or renew your coverage, you’ll be asked to give household, income, and current coverage information. Save yourself time and stress by reviewing this <a href="">Marketplace checklist (PDF)</a> in advance to make sure you have everything you need.</li> <li><strong>If you have 2018 Marketplace coverage, review your current application to make sure it's still accurate.</strong> If it’s not, <a href="/reporting-changes/">update your application</a> with any income and/or household changes. If you don’t update your application, you might not get the right amount of premium tax credit or other savings. Starting November 1, you can access your pre-filled 2019 application based on the information you gave for 2018.</li> <li><strong>Set an Open Enrollment deadline reminder.</strong> Open Enrollment ends <strong>December 15.</strong> If you have a 2018 Marketplace plan, you may be automatically enrolled in the same plan (or a similar one) for 2019 if you don’t act by the deadline. This may not be your best option, so be sure to compare all available plans. Mark December 15 on your calendar so you don’t miss out on a plan that may be a better fit for you for 2019.</li> </ul> Thu, 13 Sep 2018 00:00:00 -0400 Never miss a deadline with 2019 Open Enrollment reminders <p>Open Enrollment for 2019 Marketplace health insurance runs November 1–December 15. Connect with us today so you don’t miss out on deadline reminders, useful tips, and other information about your health coverage.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/subscribe-2019-open-enrollment.png" title="{Stay up-to-date with the Marketplace}" alt="Image: {Envelope}" /></p> <h2>Stay up-to-date with the Marketplace</h2> <ul> <li><strong>Subscribe to email or text updates.</strong> Visit the <a href=""> homepage</a> and enter your email address under “Get Important News &amp; Updates.” Click “Sign Up.”</li> <li><strong>Find someone in your area to answer questions.</strong> Assistors in your community with special Marketplace training are available to help you. <a href="">Enter your ZIP code</a> to see a list of groups and people near you.</li> <li><strong>Connect with us on social media.</strong> Follow us on <a href="">Twitter</a> and like us on <a href="">Facebook</a> for the latest updates.</li> </ul> Thu, 06 Sep 2018 00:00:00 -0400 When can I enroll in a 2019 Marketplace plan? <p>Open Enrollment for 2019 Marketplace coverage starts in just a few short months. Here are some important enrollment dates to mark on your calendar:</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/open-enrollment-2019-deadlines.png" title="{2019 Open Enrollment dates}" alt="Image: {Calendar with 2019 Open Enrollment dates}" /></p> <h2>Key 2019 Open Enrollment dates</h2> <ul> <li>The 2019 Open Enrollment Period runs from <strong>Thursday, November 1, 2018, to Saturday, December 15, 2018</strong>.</li> <li>If you don’t act by December 15, you can’t get 2019 coverage unless you qualify for a <a href="/glossary/special-enrollment-period" title="glossary">Special Enrollment Period</a>.</li> <li>Plans sold during Open Enrollment start January 1, 2019.</li> </ul> <p>For other essential enrollment information, get a <a href="/quick-guide/">quick overview of the Health Insurance Marketplace</a>.</p> Thu, 30 Aug 2018 00:00:00 -0400 Heading back to school? See student health insurance options <p>As you get ready for the upcoming school year, don’t leave health insurance off your back-to-school checklist. Getting health insurance may be more affordable — and simpler — than you think. As a college student, there are several options available to you:</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/health-insurance-options-students.png" title="{3 health coverage options for college students}" alt="Image: {Female student studying}" /></p> <h2>Ask your college about student health plans</h2> <ul> <li>If your school offers a <a href="/young-adults/college-students/">student health plan</a>, it can be an easy way to get basic insurance coverage.</li> <li>If you're enrolled in a student health plan, in most cases it counts as <a href="/glossary/qualifying-health-coverage" title="glossary">qualifying health coverage</a>.</li> </ul> <h2>Stay on your parent’s plan if you’re under&nbsp;26</h2> <ul> <li>If a parent’s health insurance plan covers dependents (no matter whether they got their plan through their job or the Marketplace), you usually can be added to their plan and stay on it until you turn 26.</li> <li>Learn more about <a href="/young-adults/children-under-26/">staying (or getting on) a parent’s plan</a>.</li> </ul> <h2>Get your own Marketplace plan</h2> <ul> <li>At, you’ll find a variety of plans and prices available to you. Depending on your situation, you may be eligible for <a href="/lower-costs/">savings based on your income</a>. But if someone will claim you as a tax dependent on next year’s tax return, you won’t be eligible for extra savings.</li> <li>You may be able to get coverage for the rest of 2018 if you qualify for a <a href="/glossary/special-enrollment-period" title="glossary">Special Enrollment Period</a>. <a href="/screener/">Answer a few fast questions to find out.</a></li> <li>If you don’t qualify, you can apply for a 2019 Marketplace plan starting November 1.</li> </ul> Thu, 23 Aug 2018 00:00:00 -0400 3 ways to use your health plan when you’re feeling well <p>Health insurance isn’t only for when you’re sick. You can use it to maintain your health. Understanding how your coverage works before you need care can also make things easier if you get sick.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/ways-to-stay-healthy-with-insurance.png" title="{Take advantage of insurance benefits anytime}" alt="Image: {A variety of medical equipment&quot;}" /></p> <h2>Take advantage of free insurance benefits anytime</h2> <ul> <li>Get <a href="/coverage/preventive-care-benefits/">preventive services</a>, like the flu shot or a depression screening, that are right for you.</li> <li>Being proactive with preventive care can prevent illnesses, diseases, and other health problems, or detect illness at an early stage when treatment is likely to work best.</li> <li>These services are free when delivered by a doctor or other provider in your plan’s network.</li> </ul> <h2>Even if you don’t need care right now, find a doctor you can trust</h2> <ul> <li>Taking the time to find a doctor you trust when you’re feeling well can save you stress when you get sick.</li> <li>You usually pay less if you <a href="/using-marketplace-coverage/getting-medical-care/">choose a doctor in your network</a>. Visit your health plan’s website and check the provider directory to see who’s in your network.</li> </ul> <h2>Understand your costs before you need care</h2> <ul> <li>It’s important to learn which services in your plan aren’t subject to your health insurance <a href="/glossary/deductible" title="glossary">deductible</a>.</li> <li>Some plans charge only a copayment for primary care visits before you meet your deductible; others offer discounts on drugs, including generic drugs.</li> <li>Knowing your costs up front can prevent the stress of unexpected costs later on.</li> </ul> Thu, 16 Aug 2018 00:00:00 -0400 Have a pre-existing condition? Your health coverage isn't affected <p>Did you know all Marketplace plans must cover treatment for <a href="/glossary/pre-existing-condition" title="glossary">pre-existing medical conditions</a>, like asthma, diabetes, and cancer?</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/marketplace-coverage-pre-existing-condition.png" title="{What's a pre-existing condition and is my health coverage affected?}" alt="Image: {Stethoscope, first aid kit, heart health&quot;}" /></p> <h2>What’s a pre-existing condition?</h2> <ul> <li>A pre-existing condition is a health problem you had before the date that your new health coverage starts.</li> <li>Pre-existing conditions include epilepsy, cancer, diabetes, lupus, sleep apnea, and many more.</li> </ul> <h2>Can a health insurance company deny me or charge me more for my pre-existing condition?</h2> <ul> <li>No. An insurance company can’t deny you, charge you more, or refuse to pay for essential health benefits because of any condition you had before your coverage started.</li> <li>Also, Marketplace plans can't put annual or lifetime limits on your coverage.</li> <li>Learn more about <a href="/coverage/pre-existing-conditions/">coverage for pre-existing conditions</a>.</li> </ul> <h2>Is pregnancy treated as a pre-existing condition?</h2> <ul> <li>Yes. If you were pregnant before you applied, your insurance plan can't reject you or charge you more because of your pregnancy.</li> <li>Once you're enrolled, your pregnancy and childbirth are covered from the day your plan starts.</li> <li>Get more information on <a href="/what-if-im-pregnant-or-plan-to-get-pregnant/">coverage for pregnancy and childbirth</a>.</li> </ul> Thu, 09 Aug 2018 00:00:00 -0400 3 things to know about Special Enrollment Periods <p>The deadline to enroll in or change 2018 health insurance plans has passed. But you may still be able to enroll for the rest of 2018 if you qualify for a <a href="/glossary/special-enrollment-period" title="glossary">Special Enrollment Period</a>. Here are 3 important things to know about applying with a Special Enrollment Period:</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/three-important-sep-facts.png" title="{Important Special Enrollment Period facts}" alt="Image: {Speech bubble saying &quot;Important Special Enrollment Period facts&quot;}" /></p> <h2>Certain life events make you eligible</h2> <ul> <li>If you experience life changes, like losing health coverage, getting married, or having a baby, you may qualify for a Special Enrollment Period. <a href="/coverage-outside-open-enrollment/special-enrollment-period/">Read the full list of life events.</a></li> <li>You can also <a href="/screener/">answer a few fast questions</a> to see if you qualify.</li> </ul> <h2>You have a limited window to enroll</h2> <ul> <li>You usually have up to 60 days after the life event to enroll in a plan.</li> <li>If you don’t act in time, you’ll have to wait until the next Open Enrollment Period from November 1–December 15, 2018, to enroll for 2019.</li> </ul> <h2>You may need to submit documents to confirm your eligibility</h2> <ul> <li>Depending on your life event, you may have to <a href="/coverage-outside-open-enrollment/confirm-special-enrollment-period/">provide documents that prove your eligibility to enroll</a>.</li> <li>You must send them before you can start using your coverage.</li> </ul> <p>Learn more about <a href="/coverage-outside-open-enrollment/">getting coverage outside Open Enrollment</a>.</p> Thu, 02 Aug 2018 00:00:00 -0400 Now that you’re covered, compare doctors in your plan <p>Your relationships with your doctors and other care providers can have a big impact on your health care. Now that you’re covered, there are resources to help you pick doctors, hospitals, and other providers that work for you and your plan.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/comparing-doctors.png" title="{How to compare care providers and facilities}" alt="Image: {Group of doctors smile}" /></p> <h2>Find a doctor in your plan</h2> <ul> <li>To find out if a certain health care provider participates in your plan's network, call your insurance company or look at their website.</li> <li>Using a doctor in your network usually saves you money.</li> </ul> <h2>Compare doctors &amp; hospitals</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/find-provider-information/">These tools</a> let you search and compare the quality of providers, hospitals, and other care facilities in your area.</li> <li>In some states, certain Marketplace plans have <a href="/quality-ratings/">quality ratings</a> that can help you compare.</li> </ul> <p>Get more information on <a href="/using-marketplace-coverage/improving-your-health/">using your coverage and improving your health</a>.</p> Thu, 26 Jul 2018 00:00:00 -0400 Did your income change? Let the Marketplace know <p>If your household income has changed, you should let the Marketplace know as soon as possible. Your new income can affect the health coverage or savings you’re eligible for.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/how-why-report-changes.png" title="{How and why to report changes to the Marketplace}" alt="Image: {Woman sits at computer and updates application}" /></p> <h2>Why update your application with income changes?</h2> <ul> <li><strong>Did your income go down?</strong> You could qualify for <strong>more savings</strong> than you’re getting now. This could lower what you pay in monthly premiums.</li> <li><strong>Did your income go up?</strong> You may qualify for <strong>less savings</strong> than you’re getting now. If you don’t report the change, you might have to pay money back when you file your federal tax return.</li> </ul> <h2>How to report income changes</h2> <ul> <li>You can update your application online, by phone, or with someone in your community.</li> <li>Reporting changes online is the fastest and easiest way. Get <a href="/downloads/update-application-changes.pdf">screen-by-screen uploading directions, with pictures (PDF)</a>, or <a href="/reporting-changes/how-to-report-changes/">follow these steps</a>.</li> </ul> <p><a href="/reporting-changes/why-report-changes/">Get more information on reporting income and household changes after you're enrolled.</a></p> Thu, 19 Jul 2018 00:00:00 -0400 5 benefits Marketplace plans must cover <p>Did you know that all plans offered in the Marketplace cover the same set of <a href="/glossary/essential-health-benefits" title="glossary">essential health benefits</a>? Essential health benefits are minimum requirements for all Marketplace plans.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/covered-essential-benefits.png" title="{5 essential health benefits}" alt="Image: {Blue #5 and text}" /></p> <h2>5 covered essential health benefits</h2> <p>Every Marketplace health plan <strong>must</strong> cover:</p> <ul> <li>Ambulatory patient services (outpatient care, or care you get without being admitted to a hospital)</li> <li>Emergency services</li> <li>Hospitalization (like surgery and overnight stays)</li> <li>Prescription drugs</li> <li>Laboratory services</li> </ul> <p>Read the <a href="/coverage/what-marketplace-plans-cover/">full list of covered essential health benefits</a>.</p> <h2>Additional benefits</h2> <ul> <li>Plans may offer additional benefits, including vision and dental coverage.</li> <li>To find out if a particular service is covered, call your insurance company.</li> </ul> Thu, 12 Jul 2018 00:00:00 -0400 Make a splash this summer with preventive care <p>This summer, take advantage of the free <a href="/glossary/preventive-services" title="glossary">preventive services</a> available with your Marketplace health plan. These services can prevent health problems or detect them at an early stage when treatment is likely to work best.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/free-preventive-health-summer.png" title="{Take advantage of free preventive health care}" alt="Image: {Healthy friend group socializes}" /></p> <h2>Covered preventive services include:</h2> <ul> <li>Screenings for things like cancer, depression, blood pressure, cholesterol, and tobacco use</li> <li>Immunizations, like the flu shot and Tetanus vaccine</li> <li>Check-ups</li> <li>Patient counseling for alcohol misuse, tobacco use, and diet</li> </ul> <p><strong>Note:</strong> Services are free only when delivered by a doctor or other provider in your plan’s network.</p> <h2>More information on preventive health</h2> <ul> <li>Review the <a href="/coverage/preventive-care-benefits/">lists of covered services for adults, women, and children</a>.</li> <li>See <a href="/coverage/what-marketplace-plans-cover/">what else Marketplace health plans cover</a>.</li> </ul> Thu, 05 Jul 2018 00:00:00 -0400 3 ways to report income & household changes to the Marketplace <p>If you're enrolled in a Marketplace plan and have changes to your income or household, you should update your application with income and household changes as soon as possible. See the <a href="/reporting-changes/which-changes-to-report/">full list of changes</a> you should report.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/reporting-income-household-changes.png" title="{How &amp; why to report household &amp; income changes}" alt="Image: {Orange house with blue roof}" /></p> <h2>Why it’s important to report changes</h2> <ul> <li>Changes — like higher or lower income, adding or losing household members, or getting offers of other health coverage — may affect the coverage or savings you’re eligible for.</li> <li>Some changes will qualify you for a Special Enrollment Period, allowing you to change your plan.</li> <li>If you don’t update your household or income, you may miss out on additional savings or pay money back when you file your taxes.</li> </ul> <h2>How to report changes</h2> <ul> <li>Update your application online. Get <a href="/downloads/update-application-changes.pdf">screen-by-screen uploading directions, with pictures (PDF)</a>.</li> <li>Contact the <a href="/contact-us/">Marketplace Call Center</a>.</li> <li><a href="">Find someone in your community</a> to help you in person.</li> </ul> Thu, 28 Jun 2018 00:00:00 -0400 Recently lose health coverage? Enroll in Marketplace coverage today <p>You may qualify for a <a href="/glossary/special-enrollment-period" title="glossary">Special Enrollment Period</a> if you or anyone in your household lost qualifying health coverage in the past 60 days (or expects to lose coverage in the next 60 days). This means you may be able to enroll in Marketplace health insurance for the rest of 2018.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/coverage-loss-sep.png" title="{Coverage losses that qualify for Special Enrollment Periods}" alt="Image: {Woman frustrated over lost health insurance}" /></p> <h2>Coverage losses that make you eligible</h2> <p>If you lost or will lose coverage from any of these sources, you may be eligible to apply through a Special Enrollment Period:</p> <ul> <li>Your job</li> <li>Individual health coverage for a plan or policy you bought yourself</li> <li>COBRA</li> <li>Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)</li> <li>Medicare</li> <li>Coverage through a family member’s plan</li> </ul> <p><strong>Note:</strong> If you voluntarily dropped your coverage, you won’t qualify for a Special Enrollment Period.</p> <h2>How to apply with a Special Enrollment Period</h2> <p>Pick a plan and then <a href="/help/prove-coverage-loss/">submit documents</a> to the Marketplace showing the lost coverage and the date it ends. You have <strong>60 days</strong> after the date your coverage ended to pick a plan (or 60 days before the date your coverage will end if you’ll lose coverage in the future). You must submit your documents within <strong>30 days</strong> of picking a plan.</p> <ul> <li>If you’re new to, <a href="/create-account">create an account</a> to fill out an application, pick a plan, and submit your documents.</li> <li>If you already have an account, <a href="/login">log in</a> to update your existing application, pick a plan, and submit documents.</li> </ul> <h2>Get more information on Special Enrollment Periods</h2> <ul> <li>Losing health insurance isn’t the only <a href="/glossary/qualifying-life-event" title="glossary">life event</a> that qualifies you to enroll in or change plans outside Open Enrollment.</li> <li>See the <a href="/coverage-outside-open-enrollment/special-enrollment-period/">full list of life changes</a> that can qualify you for a Special Enrollment Period.</li> <li>You can also <a href="/screener/">answer a few fast questions</a> to find out if you may be eligible.</li> </ul> Thu, 21 Jun 2018 00:00:00 -0400 Get fast answers to your health insurance questions <p>For quick answers to your health coverage questions — including managing your health coverage, finding forms and documents, or understanding costs and savings — visit the <a href="/get-answers/">Get Answers page</a>. You can also get information on completing your enrollment, finding plans and prices, and getting coverage.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/3-popular-insurance-questions.png" title="{Health insurance questions answered}" alt="Image: {3 question marks}" /></p> <h2>3 common questions answered</h2> <ul> <li><strong>Can I get 2018 coverage outside Open Enrollment?</strong> You can enroll in or change a Health Insurance Marketplace plan <strong>only</strong> if you have a life event that qualifies you for a <a href="/coverage-outside-open-enrollment/special-enrollment-period/">Special Enrollment Period</a>.</li> <li><strong>Where can I find 2018 Marketplace plans and prices?</strong> <a href="/see-plans/">Preview plans with personalized price estimates</a>.</li> <li><strong>How do I report changes to my household or income?</strong> You can report changes online, by phone, or in person. <a href="/reporting-changes/how-to-report-changes/">Get more information</a>.</li> </ul> <h2>Still have questions?</h2> <p>If you didn’t find what you were looking for on the <a href="/get-answers/">Get Answers page</a>, other help is available.</p> <ul> <li><a href="">Visit our Find Local Help page</a> and search by city and state or ZIP code to find trained helpers in your community.</li> <li><a href="/topics/">Browse all topics</a>.</li> <li><a href="/contact-us/">Call the Marketplace Call Center</a>, available every day, except certain holidays.</li> </ul> Thu, 14 Jun 2018 00:00:00 -0400 Having a baby? You can enroll in or change your health coverage <p>If you or anyone in your household had a baby or adopted a child within the past 60 days, you may qualify for a <a href="/glossary/special-enrollment-period" title="glossary">Special Enrollment Period</a>. This means you may be able to enroll in or change Marketplace health insurance for the rest of 2018.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/having-baby-sep.png" title="{Get Marketplace coverage after having a baby}" alt="Image: {Couple cuddles new baby}" /></p> <h2>How to apply with a Special Enrollment Period</h2> <ul> <li>If you’re new to, <a href="/create-account">create an account</a> to fill out an application for the first time.</li> <li>If you already have an account, <a href="/login">log in</a> to update your existing application with your household change.</li> <li>When you enroll in or change plans with a Special Enrollment Period, your new health coverage can start the day your baby is born — even if you enroll in the plan up to 60 days afterward.</li> </ul> <h2>More on Special Enrollment Periods</h2> <ul> <li>Having a baby isn’t the only <a href="/glossary/qualifying-life-event" title="glossary">life event</a> that qualifies you to enroll in or change plans outside Open Enrollment.</li> <li>See the <a href="/coverage-outside-open-enrollment/special-enrollment-period/">full list of life changes</a> that can qualify you for a Special Enrollment Period.</li> <li>You can also <a href="/screener/">answer a few fast questions</a> to find out if you can enroll in or change a plan.</li> </ul> Thu, 07 Jun 2018 00:00:00 -0400 3 ways to stay healthy this summer <p>This summer, put your health and well-being first. Take advantage of the free <a href="/glossary/preventive-services" title="glossary">preventive services</a> offered by your Marketplace plan and take steps to live a healthy lifestyle.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/easy-summer-health-tips.png" title="{Get tips on staying healthy this summer}" alt="Image: {Tips for having a healthy summer}" /></p> <h2>3 ways to be proactive with your health</h2> <ul> <li>Get the <a href="/coverage/preventive-care-benefits/">preventive services</a> that are right for you. Most health plans cover a set of preventive services — like shots and screening tests — at no cost to you. (<strong>Note:</strong> These services are free only when delivered by a doctor or other provider in your plan’s network.)</li> <li>Make healthy changes to your eating habits. Swapping soda for water and adding fruits and vegetables to your meals can make a big difference. Visit <a href=""></a> for information on how to eat the right amount of different types of food.</li> <li>Talk to your doctor about being more active. Whether it’s going on a jog, taking your dog for a walk, or working in your garden, there are a lot of ways to incorporate activity into your life on a regular basis. Regular physical activity increases your chances of living a longer, healthier life.</li> </ul> <p>Having health insurance and getting good health care are important, but there’s no substitute for a healthy lifestyle.</p> Thu, 31 May 2018 00:00:00 -0400 Moving to a new state? You’ll need a new health plan <p>When you move to a new state, you can’t keep a health insurance plan from your old state. To make sure you stay covered, report your move to the Marketplace as soon as possible. This way you can enroll in a new plan and avoid paying for coverage you won’t be able to use in your new state.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/movenewstate_blog.png" title="{How to report moves to the Health Insurance Marketplace}" alt="Image: {What do you when you move to a new state}" /></p> <h2>How to report a move to a new state</h2> <ul> <li>When you move to a new state, your coverage options will change. You may no longer be eligible for your current plan.</li> <li>New plans, prices, and savings may be available to you.</li> <li>To get coverage in your new state, you’ll need to start a new Marketplace application or apply through your new state’s website (if your new state runs its own Marketplace).</li> <li>Get <a href="/downloads/update-application-move.pdf">screen-by-screen uploading directions, with pictures (PDF)</a>, or <a href="/reporting-changes/when-you-move/">follow these steps</a>.</li> </ul> <h2>Move within the same state?</h2> <ul> <li>If you move within the same state, your coverage options and savings probably won’t change based only on your new address.</li> <li>You can <a href="/reporting-changes/how-to-report-changes/#online">report the move by following these instructions</a>.</li> </ul> <p>Learn more about <a href="/reporting-changes/when-you-move/">reporting a move to the Marketplace</a>.</p> Thu, 24 May 2018 00:00:00 -0400 4 steps to take after your doctor’s appointment <p>Now that you've found a doctor you trust, there are several steps you can take to maintain your good health.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/what-to-do-after-doctors-visits.png" title="{Maintain your good health after visiting the doctor}" alt="Image: {Tips for after you visit your doctor}" /></p> <h2>4 steps to take after your appointment</h2> <ul> <li><strong>Follow any instructions, and fill any prescriptions you were given.</strong> Health plans will help pay the cost of certain prescription medications. Call your insurance company or visit their website to see what prescriptions are covered and which pharmacies you can use.</li> <li><strong>Schedule a follow-up visit, if you need one.</strong> Write down the appointment where you’ll remember it.</li> <li><strong>Review your Explanation of Benefits, and pay your medical bills.</strong> After your visit, you may get an Explanation of Benefits in the mail from your insurance company. This is an overview of the total charges for your visit and how much you and your health plan will have to pay. Be sure to pay your bills on time, and keep any paperwork.</li> <li><strong>Contact your doctor or health plan with any questions.</strong> If you have concerns between visits, call your doctor’s office. They can help answer questions you have about your health.</li> </ul> <p>Learn more about your <a href="">next steps after an appointment (PDF)</a>.</p> Thu, 17 May 2018 00:00:00 -0400 Attention college grads: Know your health insurance options <p>Congratulations, graduates! Whether you’re starting a new job or planning your next move, you have options for health insurance. Getting insured may be easier than you think.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/learn-insurance-options-college-grads.png" title="{Ways college graduates can get insurance}" alt="Image: {Health insurance options for college graduates}" /></p> <h2>3 health insurance options for new college grads</h2> <ul> <li><strong>Buy a Marketplace plan.</strong> You may be eligible to enroll in Marketplace health insurance for the rest of 2018 if you have a life event — like moving to or from the place you attended school, or losing other health insurance (like dropping off a student plan or your parents’ coverage) — that qualifies you for a <a href="/coverage-outside-open-enrollment/special-enrollment-period/">Special Enrollment Period</a>.</li> <li><strong>If you’re under 26, stay or get added to your parents’ plan.</strong> If a parent’s health insurance plan covers dependents, you usually can be added to their plan and stay on it until you turn 26. Learn more about <a href="/young-adults/children-under-26/">getting on your parent’s plan</a>.</li> <li><strong>Get Medicaid, if you qualify.</strong> If you’re working part time, starting a business, or otherwise aren’t making much money, you may qualify for <a href="/medicaid-chip/">Medicaid</a>. If you qualify, coverage can start right away, any time of year.</li> </ul> <p>Get more information on <a href="/young-adults/coverage/">health insurance options for young adults</a>.</p> Thu, 10 May 2018 00:00:00 -0400 Is your doctor right for you? <p>Your health and well-being are important and personal. You should have a doctor you trust and feel comfortable with.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/tips-to-find-right-doctor.png" title="{What to ask yourself after a doctor’s visit}" alt="Image: {Finding a doctor you trust}" /></p> <h2>5 questions to ask yourself after a doctor’s visit</h2> <ul> <li>Were all your health needs addressed?</li> <li>Did the doctor pay attention to your concerns?</li> <li>Did the doctor answer your questions in a way that was easy to understand?</li> <li>Did the doctor speak in a way that made you comfortable?</li> <li>Could you contact the doctor/office staff with follow-up questions?</li> </ul> <p><a href="">Here’s a longer list of questions you can ask (PDF)</a>.</p> <h2>Next steps</h2> <ul> <li>If you answered “Yes” to the questions above, you may have found a doctor that’s right for you.</li> <li>If you answered “No” to one of these questions, do you think the doctor would make changes if you spoke up? Sometimes asking for what you need is the best way to get it.</li> <li>If you decide to switch doctors, start by checking your plan’s list of <a href="/glossary/network" title="glossary">"in-network"</a> providers. <a href="">Get tips on finding a new provider (PDF)</a>.</li> </ul> Thu, 03 May 2018 00:00:00 -0400 Get Medicaid & CHIP anytime if eligible <p>Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) are free or low-cost health programs that cover many services, like hospitalizations, doctor visits, and prescription drugs. If you qualify for Medicaid or CHIP, your coverage can start right away, any time of year.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/apply-for-medicaid-chip.png" title="{How to apply for Medicaid &amp; CHIP}" alt="Image: {See if eligible for Medicaid &amp; CHIP}" /></p> <h2>Who qualifies for Medicaid &amp; CHIP</h2> <ul> <li>In all states, Medicaid and CHIP provide health coverage for certain children, parents, pregnant women, elderly people with limited income, and people with disabilities.</li> <li>In some states the programs also cover other adults below a certain income level. Children in families with household incomes too high to qualify for Medicaid may still qualify to enroll in CHIP.</li> <li><a href="/lower-costs/">Use our savings tool to see if you qualify for Medicaid in your state based only on your income</a>.</li> </ul> <h2>How to apply for Medicaid &amp; CHIP</h2> <ul> <li>You can apply through the Health Insurance Marketplace. <a href="/create-account">Fill out an application</a>, and if it looks like anyone in your household qualifies for Medicaid or CHIP, we’ll automatically send your information to your state agency. They’ll contact you about enrollment.</li> <li>You can also apply directly with your state Medicaid agency. <a href="/medicaid-chip/getting-medicaid-chip/#howtoapply">Select your state from the drop-down list</a> for your Medicaid agency’s contact information.</li> </ul> <p>Learn more about <a href="/medicaid-chip/getting-medicaid-chip/">Medicaid and CHIP coverage</a>.</p> Thu, 26 Apr 2018 00:00:00 -0400 No health insurance? See if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period <p>If you have certain types of life changes — like losing health coverage, moving, getting married, or having a baby — you may qualify for a <a href="/glossary/special-enrollment-period" title="glossary">Special Enrollment Period</a> to enroll in a Marketplace plan for the rest of 2018.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/see-if-you-qualify-for-special-enrollment-period.png" title="{See if you qualify for an SEP and what to do next}" alt="Image: {Life events for Special Enrollment Period}" /></p> <h2>Do you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period?</h2> <ul> <li>See the <a href="/coverage-outside-open-enrollment/special-enrollment-period/">full list of life events</a> that make you eligible.</li> <li><a href="/screener/">Use our screener tool</a>. Answer a few questions, and we’ll tell you if you may qualify.</li> <li>Want to see plans first? Before you apply, you can <a href="/see-plans/">preview 2018 plans</a> with estimated prices based on your income.</li> </ul> <h2>If you already know you qualify, start an application:</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/create-account">Create an account to start an application</a>.</li> <li>When you apply, you may be asked to submit documents to confirm the events that make you eligible. <a href="/coverage-outside-open-enrollment/confirm-special-enrollment-period/">Learn more</a>.</li> </ul> Thu, 19 Apr 2018 00:00:00 -0400 Attention: Tax day is less than one week away! <p>Don’t miss the <strong>April 17, 2018</strong>, deadline to file 2017 taxes and report your health coverage! No matter how you got health coverage — whether through the Marketplace, your job, or another source — you must report your 2017 coverage status to the IRS when you file taxes.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/tax-day-and-health-insurance.png" title="{Get step-by-step directions &amp; tax forms}" alt="Image: {Don’t miss 2017 tax deadline}" /></p> <h2>Get step-by-step directions &amp; tax forms:</h2> <ul> <li><a href="/taxes/">Choose your 2017 health coverage status</a>. The form you’ll use will depend on how you got your health coverage.</li> <li>If you had 2017 Marketplace insurance, you’ll use <a href="/tax-form-1095/">Form 1095-A, Health Insurance Marketplace Statement,</a> to <a href="/taxes-reconciling/">"reconcile"</a> your taxes.</li> <li>Even if you don’t normally have to file a federal income tax return, you’re required to file if you had a 2017 Marketplace health plan and got financial help with your premium costs.</li> <li>Can't find your 1095-A? <a href="/tax-form-1095/#find-1095-a">Get help finding it</a>.</li> </ul> <h2>Tax help is available:</h2> <ul> <li>Find out where to get <a href="">free volunteer tax help</a>.</li> <li>Learn about the <a href="">IRS's Free File</a>.</li> <li>Find a <a href="">tax software program</a> to help you prepare your taxes.</li> </ul> Thu, 12 Apr 2018 00:00:00 -0400 5 tips to prepare for doctor’s visits <p>Visiting the doctor soon? Here are 5 things you can do to get ready.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/get-ready-doctor%E2%80%99s-visits.png" title="{Get tips on getting ready for the doctor}" alt="Image: {Tips for before you visit your doctor}" /></p> <h2>Get ready for your doctor’s visit</h2> <ul> <li><strong>Bring your insurance card with you.</strong> After you enrolled in a plan, you should have gotten a card or other proof of your insurance in the mail. (If you didn’t get a card, contact your health plan.)</li> <li><strong>Know your family health history.</strong> Share with your doctor any family health history and medical records, if you have them.</li> <li><strong>Make a list of any medicines you take.</strong> Make sure to tell your provider the dosages.</li> <li><strong>Bring a list of questions and things to discuss.</strong> Write down your questions or concerns in advance. You may want to bring a friend or family member with you to help.</li> <li><strong>Take notes.</strong> Jot down any questions that come up during your appointment. Don’t leave until all of your questions have been answered and you understand what to do next.</li> </ul> <p>For more tips on preparing for your doctor’s visit, read our <a href="">"From Coverage to Care: A Roadmap to Better Care and a Healthier You" (PDF)</a>.</p> Thu, 05 Apr 2018 00:00:00 -0400 4 steps to find the provider that’s right for you <p>Choosing a provider you trust is one of the most important decisions you’ll make about your health care, and finding the right one can take a little work. Follow these 4 steps to help you choose:</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/how-to-find-provider.png" title="{4 steps to help you choose the right doctor for you}" alt="Image: {Finding right doctor}" /></p> <h2>How to find a doctor you trust</h2> <ol> <li><strong>Get a list of in-network providers:</strong> Call your insurance company or look at their plan materials for a list of doctors in their network. You’ll usually pay less to see a doctor in your network than a doctor who’s out-of-network.</li> <li><strong>Do your research:</strong> Ask friends and family if they recommend their doctors. You may even be able to read online reviews for doctors in your area.</li> <li><strong>Call the office for more information:</strong> Call the doctor’s office and ask them any questions you have to help you decide. Make sure they accept new patients and your health coverage.</li> <li><strong>Make an appointment, and give them a try:</strong> When you call to make your appointment, have your insurance card on hand. It might take more than one visit to figure out if a doctor is the right one for you.</li> </ol> <p>Learn more about <a href="">finding a provider and making an appointment (PDF)</a>.</p> Thu, 29 Mar 2018 00:00:00 -0400 3 Tips: Knowing where to go for medical care <p>You can get health care in many different places, but it’s best to get routine care from a primary care doctor. Visiting your primary care doctor usually costs much less than visiting the emergency room, and you’ll spend less time waiting. Check out these 3 tips to know where to go for medical care:</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/primary-care-vs-emergency-department.png" title="{Routine medical care and emergencies}" alt="Image: {Where to get medical care}" /></p> <h2>Where to go based on the care you need</h2> <ul> <li><strong>For routine care, visit a primary care doctor:</strong> They’ll work with you to make sure you get the right <a href="/glossary/preventive-services" title="glossary">preventive services</a>, manage any chronic conditions, and improve your overall health and well-being.</li> <li><strong>Before getting care, know you’re covered:</strong> Call the office before you visit to make sure they see patients with your coverage. Not all doctors and hospitals take all insurance plans or types of coverage. <a href="/using-marketplace-coverage/getting-medical-care/">Learn about finding a doctor in your plan</a>.</li> <li><strong>In an emergency or life-threatening situation, call 9-1-1:</strong> In an emergency, get care from the closest hospital that can help you. They’ll treat you even if you don’t have any insurance.</li> </ul> <p>Get more information on <a href="">knowing where to go for care</a>.</p> Thu, 22 Mar 2018 00:00:00 -0400 What your health insurance card tells you <p>After you enrolled in Marketplace insurance, you probably got a membership package in the mail with information about your coverage. You may have also gotten a card or other document as proof of your insurance. (If you didn’t get a card, contact your health plan.)</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/understand-health-insurance-card.png" title="{Using your membership package and insurance card}" alt="Image: {Health insurance card}" /></p> <h2>3 things to know about your membership package &amp; insurance card</h2> <ul> <li><strong>Read your membership materials carefully:</strong> You may need them when you see a doctor or if you call your insurance company with questions. If you don’t understand the materials you got, call your health plan and ask them to explain.</li> <li><strong>Review your insurance card:</strong> It shows your member and group numbers, your plan type, and a phone number to call for questions about finding a doctor or what your plan covers.</li> <li><strong>Store your insurance card in a safe place:</strong> If someone else uses your insurance card or member number to get prescription drugs or medical care, they’re committing fraud.</li> </ul> <p>Learn more about <a href="">understanding your membership (PDF)</a> and <a href="/health-care-law-protections/summary-of-benefits-and-coverage/">plan materials</a>.</p> Thu, 15 Mar 2018 00:00:00 -0400 Understanding key health insurance terms <p>Insurance plans can differ in which providers you can see and how much you have to pay. It’s important to understand your costs and key health insurance terms, so you’ll know what services your plan will pay for and how much each visit or medicine will cost.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/know-health-insurance-terms.png" title="{See health care definitions}" alt="Image: {Key health insurance terms}" /></p> <h2>Important key words explained</h2> <ul> <li><strong>Deductible:</strong> The amount you owe for covered health care services before your health insurance or plan begins to pay.</li> <li><strong>Copayment:</strong> An amount you pay as your share of the cost for a medical service or item, like a doctor's visit.</li> <li><strong>Coinsurance:</strong> Your share of the cost for a covered health care service, usually calculated as a percentage (like 20%) of the allowed amount for the service.</li> <li><strong>Premium:</strong> The amount you pay for your health insurance or plan each month.</li> <li><strong>Network:</strong> The doctors, hospitals, and suppliers your health insurer has contracted with to deliver health care services to their members.</li> </ul> <p>Browse <a href="/glossary/">our glossary</a> for more health insurance definitions, and get more information on <a href="/choose-a-plan/your-total-costs/">how your costs work together</a>.</p> Thu, 08 Mar 2018 00:00:00 -0500 Put your health first: Using your 2018 Marketplace insurance <p>You can use your Marketplace health insurance when you’re sick and when you’re well. Follow these tips to help maintain your health:</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/use-insurance-stay-healthy.png" title="{ Follow tips to maintain your health}" alt="Image: {Put health first}" /></p> <h2>Put your health first</h2> <ul> <li><strong>Take advantage of free preventive services:</strong> <a href="/coverage/preventive-care-benefits/">Preventive care</a>, like shots and screening tests, is free with your Marketplace plan when delivered by a doctor or provider in your plan’s network.</li> <li><strong>Improve your mental and emotional well-being:</strong> All Marketplace plans cover <a href="/coverage/mental-health-substance-abuse-coverage/">mental health and substance abuse services</a> as essential health benefits.</li> <li><strong>Stay organized:</strong> Use this <a href="">booklet (PDF)</a> to keep all your health information in one place. This helps you easily track your coverage information and care.</li> </ul> <h2>Get more information on using your Marketplace coverage</h2> <ul> <li>See <a href="/coverage/what-marketplace-plans-cover/">what else Marketplace health plans cover.</a></li> <li>Read our <a href="">Coverage to Care: Roadmap to Better Care and a Healthier You (PDF)</a> for more on putting your health first.</li> </ul> Thu, 01 Mar 2018 00:00:00 -0500 How to “reconcile” your premium tax credit on 2017 taxes <p>If you had 2017 Marketplace coverage, you should have already received Form 1095-A in the mail. Make sure your Form 1095-A is accurate before you file your taxes. You’ll use information from this form about <a href="/glossary/silver-health-plan" title="glossary">the second lowest-cost Silver Plan (SLCSP)</a> to complete Form 8962, Premium Tax Credit.</p> <!--more--> <p><img src="/assets/reconcile-2017-taxes.png" title="{Learn how to “reconcile” your premium tax credit on 2017 taxes}" alt="Image: {&quot;Reconcile” on your 2017 taxes} " /></p> <h2>First: Verify your household and coverage information &amp; SLCSP</h2> <p>To make sure your SLCSP is correct, look at Part III, Column B of your 1095-A, titled “Monthly second lowest-cost Silver Plan (SLCSP) premium.” The SLCSP premium is incorrect if:</p> <ul> <li>Part III, Column B has a “0” or is blank for any month someone in your household had the Marketplace plan.</li> <li>You had changes in your household that you didn’t tell the Marketplace about — like having a baby, moving, getting married or divorced, or losing a dependent.</li> </ul> <p>If either applies, use our <a href="/tax-tool/">tax tool</a> to get your SLCP premium.</p> <p>If anything about your coverage or household is wrong on your Form 1095-A, <a href="/contact-us/">contact the Marketplace Call Center</a>.</p> <h2>Second: “Reconcile” on your taxes</h2> <p>Now that you know your Form 1095-A is accurate, you’re ready to file. If you had a Marketplace plan and used <a href="/glossary/advanced-premium-tax-credit" title="glossary">advance payments of the premium tax credit (APTC)</a> to lower your monthly payment, you’ll have to "<a href="/glossary/reconcile" title="glossary">reconcile</a>" when you file your federal taxes.</p> <p>See a <a href="/taxes-reconciling/">step-by-step guide to reconciling</a>.</p> Thu, 22 Feb 2018 00:00:00 -0500