Competition FAQs

How does the Bureau of Competition help protect consumers?

The work of the Bureau helps protect and strengthen free and open competitive markets and ensure that businesses compete fairly. Aggressive competition among sellers gives consumers access to quality goods and services.

Get Early Termination Notices on Twitter

The FTC regularly publishes notices of Early Terminations (ET) of the Hart-Scott-Rodino premerger notification waiting period for proposed mergers and acquisitions.

Get an Advisory Opinion from the FTC

FTC staff or the Commission may offer industry guidance for proposed conduct. The FTC staff has provided more information about this process.

File an HSR Premerger Notification

The Premerger Notification Office (PNO) has resources to help determine how and when to file a Hart-Scott-Rodino form for a proposed acquisition.

Report An Antitrust Violation

If you have a question or comment about an antitrust issue, submit it to the Bureau of Competition by one of the methods below.