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Glossary of USDA Acronyms

Here are some common acronyms and terms used at USDA. While not complete or comprehensive, we will be adding more items periodically.

 A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

504: Rural Housing Repair and Rehabilitation Program

2501: Outreach and Technical Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged and Veteran Farmers and Ranchers Program

9003: Biorefinery Assistance Program

9004: Repowering Assistance Program

9005: Advanced Biofuel Payment Program

1862s: Land-Grant Institutions Established by the Passage of the First Morrill Act (1862)

1890s - 1890: Land-Grant Colleges and Universities, and Tuskegee University

1994s - 1994: Land-Grant Colleges and Universities (also referred to as Tribal Colleges)

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ACA: Accredited certifying agent

ACEP: Agricultural Conservation Easement Program

ACRE: Average Crop Revenue Election

ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act

ADAAA: Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act

AES: Agricultural Experiment Station

AGM: Asian Gypsy moth

AGR: Adjusted Gross Revenue Pilot

AGR-L: Adjusted Gross Revenue-Lite

AHPA: Animal Health Protection Act

AI/AN: American Indian / Alaska Native

AIIS: Automated Import Inspection System

ALB: Asian long-horned beetle

AMA: Agricultural Management Assistance Program

AMS: Agricultural Marketing Service

ANCSA: Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act

ANPR: Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

ANREP: Association of Natural Resources Extension Professionals

AO: Administrative Officer

APHIS: Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service

AQI: Agricultural Quarantine and Inspection

ARC: Agricultural Risk Coverage

ARC-CO: County Agricultural Risk Coverage

ARC-IC: Individual Agricultural Risk Coverage

AREERA: Agricultural Research, Extension, and Education Reform Act of 1998

ARH: Actual Revenue History

ARIS: Agricultural Research Information System

ARMS: Agricultural Resource Management Survey

ARRA: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act

ARS: Agricultural Research Service

ATRA: The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012

AWA: Animal Welfare Act

AWEP: Agricultural Water Enhancement Program

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B&I: Business and Industry Program

BARC: Beltsville Agricultural Research Center

BCAP: Biomass Crop Assistance Program

BFRDP: Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program

BSE: Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

Bt: Bacillus thuringiensis (bacterium)

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CAA: Clean Air Act

CAC: Codex Alimentarius Commission

CAPS: Cooperative Agricultural Pest Survey 

CARET: Council for Agricultural Research, Extension, and Teaching

CAT: Catastrophic level of coverage

CCC: Commodity Credit Corporation

CCEP: Commodity Exchange Price Provisions

CCPs: Counter-Cyclical Payments

CDSI: Conservation Delivery Streamlining Initiative

CED: County Executive Director

CEP: Community Eligibility Provisions

CES: Cooperative Extension System

CF: Community Facilities

CFC: Combined Federal Campaign

CFR: Code of Federal Regulations

CID: Commercial Item Description

CIG: Conservation Innovation Grants

CITES: Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species 

CNA: Child Nutrition Act

CNAFR: Council for Native American Farming and Ranching

CNP: Child Nutrition Programs

CNPP: Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion

COB: Close of Business

CONUS: Continental United States

COOL: Country of Origin Labeling program

COOP: Continuity of Operations Plan

CP: Commodity Procurement

CPHST: Center for Plant Health Science and Technology

CPI: Consumer Price Index

CR: Civil Rights

CREP: Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program

CRIS: Current Research Information System

CRP: Conservation Reserve Program

CRP: Conservation Reserve Program

CSA: Community-supported agriculture

CSFP: Commodity Supplemental Food Program

CSP: Conservation Stewardship Program

CSRA: Civil Service Reform Act

CSREES: Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service

CVB:  Center for Veterinary Biologics

CWA: Clean Water Act

CY: Calendar Year

CYFAR: Children, Youth, and Families at Risk

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DCP: Direct and Counter-cyclical Payment Program

DGA: Dietary Guidelines for Americans

DGAC: Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee

DM: Department of Management

DPs: Direct payments

DSNAP: Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

DVMS: District Veterinary Medical Specialist

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EA: Environmental Assessment

eAuth: eAuthentication

EBT: Electronic Benefits Transfer

eCFR: Electronic Code of Federal Regulations

ECP: Emergency Conservation Program

EDEN: Extension Disaster Education Network

e-Docs: Electronic Document Creation System

EEO: Equal Employment Opportunity

EFRP: Emergency Forest Restoration Program

EII: Rural Economic Impact Initiative

EIS: Environmental Impact Statement

ELAP: Emergency Assistance for Livestock, Honeybees, and Farm-Raised Fish 

EMP: Emerging Markets Program

EO: Executive Order

EPCRA: Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act

EPIA: Egg Products Inspection Act

EQIP: Environmental Quality Incentives Program

ERS: Economic Research Service

ES: Extension Service

eSFSP: Enhanced Summer Food Service Program

e-TDE: Electronic Trade Document Exchange

EWP : Emergency Watershed Protection Program

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F&V: Fruit and Vegetable Program

F2S: Farm to School

FACA: Federal Advisory Committee Act

FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (USDA affiliate) 

FAS: Foreign Agricultural Service

FCA: Farm Credit Administration

FCIC: Federal Crop Insurance Corporation

FDAMA: Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act

FDPIR: Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations

FERN: Federal Emergency Response Network

FFAS: Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services

FFVP: Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program

FGIS: Federal Grain Inspection Service

FL: Farm Loans

FLS: Frontline Supervisor

FLSA: Fair Labor Standards Act

FMD: Financial Management Division

FMD: Foreign Market Development Program

FMFIA: Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act

FMIA: Federal Meat Inspection Act

FMLA: Family and Medial Leave Act

FMLFPP: Farmers Market and Local Food Promotion Program

FMMI: Federal Management Modernization Initiative 

FMMO: Federal Milk Marketing Orders

FMNP: Farmers Market Nutrition Program

FMPP: Farmers’ Market Promotion Program

FNCS: Food, Nutrition, and Consumer Services

FNDDS: Food and Nutrient Database for Dietary Studies

FNS: Food and Nutrition Service

FOB: Free On Board

FOIA: Freedom of Information Act

FONSI: Finding of No Significant Impact

FP: Farm Programs

FR: Federal Register

FRPP: Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program

FS: Forest Service

FSA: Farm Service Agency

FSES: Food Safety Education Staff

FSIS: Food Safety and Inspection Service

FSMIP: Federal State Marketing Improvement Program

FSRG: Food Surveys Research Group

FSWG: President's Food Safety Working Group

FTCA: Federal Tort Claims Act

FTE: Full Time Equivalent

FTTA: Federal Technology Transfer Act

FWP: Farmable Wetlands Program

FY: Fiscal Year

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GAP: Good Agricultural Practices

GATS: Global Agricultural Trade System 

GHP: Good Handling Practices

GIPSA: Grain Inspection, Packers, and Stockyards Administration

GPRA: Government Performance and Results Act

GRP: Grassland Reserve Program

GS: General Schedule

GSM-I02 program: Export credit guarantee

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HACCP: Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point

HECG: High Energy Cost Grant Program

HEI: Healthy Eating Index

HELC: Highly Erodible Lands Conservation

HFRP: Healthy Forests Reserve Program

HHFKA: Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act

HMSA: Humane Methods of Slaughter Act

HPA: Horse Protection Act

HQ: Headquarters

HR-ACE: High-Risk Alternate Coverage Endorsement

HT: Herbicide-tolerant

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IEG: Income Eligibility Guidelines

IIC: Inspector-in-Charge

IMS: Interstate Milk Shippers

IPM: Integrated Pest Management

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KYF: Know Your Farmer

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LDPs: Loan deficiency payments

LEP: Limited English Proficiency

LFP: Livestock Forage Program 

LFPP: Local Food Promotion Program

LGM: Livestock Gross Margin

LIP: Livestock Indemnity Program

LMIC: Let's Move! In Indian Country

LPS: Livestock, Poultry, and Seed Program

LRP: Livestock Risk Protection

LRP: Local and Regional Procurement

LRPA: Livestock Price Reinsurance Agreement

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MAP: Market Access Program

MFH: Multi-family Housing Program 

MILC: Milk Income Loss Contract program

MLGs: Marketing loan gains

MOA: Memorandum of Agreement

MOAD: Marketing Order and Agreement Division

MOI: Memorandum of Interview

MOU: Memorandum of Understanding

MPI: Meat and Poultry Inspection

MPP: Margin Protection Program   

MRP: Marketing and Regulatory Programs

MYA: Market year average

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NABG: Nutrition Assistance Block Grants

NACMCF: National Advisory Committee on Microbiological Criteria for Foods

NACMPI: National Advisory Committee on Meat and Poultry Inspection

NAD: National Appeals Division

NAFTA: North American Free Trade Agreement

NAIS: National Animal Identification System

NAL: National Agricultural Library

NAP: Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program

NAREEE Board: The National Agricultural Research, Extension, Education, and Economics Advisory Board

NASS: National Agricultural Statistics Service

NDS: Nondiscrimination Statement

NEL: Nutrition Evidence Library

NEPA: National Environmental Policy Act

NFC: National Finance Center

NHPA: National Historic Preservation Act

NIFA: National Institute of Food and Agriculture

NIMS: National Information Management System 

NLEA: Nutrition Labeling and Education Act

NNMRRA: National Nutrition Monitoring and Related Research Act

NOCCSP: National Organic Certification Cost Share Program 

NOP: National Organic Program

NPL: National Program Leader

NRCS: Natural Resources Conservation Service

NRE: Natural Resources and Environment

NRF: National Response Framework

NSIP: Nutrition Services Incentive Program

NSLA: National School Lunch Act

NSLP: National School Lunch Program

NTE: Not to Exceed

NTIS: National Technology Information Service

NTTC: National Technology Transfer Coordinator

NVSL: National Veterinary Services Laboratories

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OA: Office of the Administrator

OAA: Office of the Associate Administrator

OAE: Office of Advocacy and Enterprise

OALJ: Office of Administrative Law Judges

OAO: Office of Advocacy and Outreach

OASA: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration

OASCR: Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 

OBPA: Office of Budget and Program Analysis

OC: Office of Communications 

OCA: Office of the Consumer Advisor

OCCSP: Organic Certification Cost Share Programs 

OCE: Office of Community Engagement

OCE: Office of the Chief Economist

OCFO: Office of Chief Financial Officer

OCHRO: Office of the Chief Human Resources Officer

OCIO: Office Chief Information Officer

OCONUS: Outside Continental United States

OCR: Office of Congressional Relations

OCS: Office of the Chief Scientist 

OCT: Office of Cultural Transformation

OES: Office of the Executive Secretariat

OGC: Office of the General Counsel

OGE: Office of Government Ethics

OHR: Office of Human Resources

OHSE: Office of Homeland Security and Emergency

OIE: World Organization for Animal Health 

OIG: Office of Inspector General

OMB: Office of Management and Budget

OSDBU: Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization

OSEC: Office of Secretary

OTR: Office of Tribal Relations

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PA: Privacy Act

PACA: Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act of 1930

PBIS: Performance Based Inspection System

PD: Position Description

PFGE: Pulse-Field Gel Electrophoresis

PHHRS: Public Health Human Resources System Demonstration Project

PHIS: Public Health Information System

PHV: Public Health Veterinarian

Phyto: Phytosanitary Certificate (also called PC) 

PIA: Privacy Impact Assessment

PII: Personally Identifiable Information

PIQ: Partners in Quality

PL: Public Law

PLC: Price Loss Coverage

PPA: Plant Protection Act

PPI: Producer Price Index

PPIA: Poultry Products Inspection Act

PPQ: Plant Protection and Quarantine (APHIS)

PSA: Packers and Stockyards Administration

PVPA: Plant Variety Protection Act

PVPC: Plant Variety Protection Certificate

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QAD: Quality Assessment Division

QAR: Quality Assurance Review

QSP: Quality Samples Program

QTV: Qualified Through Verification Program

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R&P: Research and Promotion Program

RBEG: Rural Business Enterprise Program Grants

RBIP: Rural Business Investment Program

RBOG: Rural Business Opportunity Program Grants

RBS: Rural Business-Cooperative Service

RCDG: Rural Cooperative Development Grants

RCPP: Regional Conservation Partnership Program

RCRA: Resource Conservation and Recovery Act

RD: Rural Development

REA: Rural Electrification Administration

REAP (9007): Rural Energy for America Program

REAP Zone: Rural Economic Area Partnership Program

REDLG: Rural Economic Development Loans and Grants

REE: Research, Education and Economics

RHS: Rural Housing Service 

RIF: Reduction in Force

RMA: Risk Management Agency

RMAP: Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program

RMD: Recall Management Division

RUS: Rural Utilities Service

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S&T: Science and Technology Program

S2F: Start To Farm

SARA: Superfund Amendments and Re-authorization Act

SARE: Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education program

SBP: School Breakfast Program

SCBG: Specialty Crop Block Grant Program

SCI: Specialty Crops Inspection Division

SCO: Supplemental Coverage Option

SCS: Soil Conservation Service

SED: State Executive Director

SES: Senior Executive Service

SF: Standard Form

SFH: Single Family Housing Direct Loan Program

SFH-G: Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program

SFMNP: Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program

SFSP: Summer Food Service Program

SMP: Special Milk Program

SNAP: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program

SOD: Sudden Oak Death/Phytopthora ramorum

SOP: Standard Operating Procedure

SPS: Sanitary and Phytosanitary, usually “SPS Agreement”

SRA: Standard Reinsurance Agreement

SS: Sacred Site

SSA: Social Security Act

SSDPG: Small Socially Disadvantaged Producer Program Grants

SSI: Supplemental Security Income

SSOP: Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure

STEC: Shiga-toxin Producing Escherichia coli

SURE: Supplemental Revenue Assistance Payments Program

SWPP: Source Water Protection Program

SY: Scientist Year (Category 1 or 4 positions)

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T&M: Transportation and Marketing Program

TA: Talmadge-Aiken

TANF: Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

TAP: Tree Assistance Program

TASC: Technical Assistance for Specialty Crops

TEFAP: The Emergency Food Assistance Program

TFP: Thrifty Food Plan

TRQ: Tariff-rate quota

TSCA: Toxic Substance Control Act

TSE: Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy

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U.S.C.: United States Code

USDA: United States Department of Agriculture

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VAPG: Value-Added Producer Grants

VMO: Veterinary Medical Officer

VRA: Veterans Readjustments Act

VRA: Veterans Recruitment Appointment 

VS: Veterinary Services

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WAOB: World Agricultural Outlook Board

WASDE: World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates report

WBSCM: Web Based Supply Chain Management

WC: Wetland Conservation

WIC: Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children

WRP: Wetlands Reserve Program

WS: Wildlife Services