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Economic Development Integration (EDI)

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Integrated Support for Sustainable Economic Growth

Economic Development Integration Mission: Support locally-identified priorities for regional economic diversification, growth and prosperity by increasing access to opportunity, facilitating enhanced collaboration, and reducing administrative burdens.

EDA’s Economic Development Integration (EDI) team works with federal peers to identify opportunities for greater interagency collaboration, and to facilitate the coordinated and effective investment of federal economic development resources. In addition to three EDI staff at EDA HQ, Regional Integrators work in each of EDA’s 6 regional offices (Atlanta, GA, Austin, TX, Chicago, IL, Denver, CO, Philadelphia, PA, and Seattle, WA) to further enhance EDA’s capacity to support local and regional economic development projects.

What Is Economic Development Integration?

For starters, this work entails enhanced collaboration across federal agencies to transform the service delivery model for its various economic development resources. the coordination of objectives, priorities and projects, leveraging funds from multiple sources, and reducing or removing administrative barriers in order to facilitate better outcomes for distressed communities. Read more about EDA’s vision and methods for aligning federal assistance with locally-identified priorities.

Open the following links for additional information about federal resources that are available to support comprehensive regional economic development strategies, including:

  1. Federal Assistance for Economic Development
  2. Tools and Other Resources for Economic Development Integration
  3. Economic and Community Development Networks and Partners

Contact Us

If you have questions or would like more information about the mission and function of EDI, email the Economic Development Integration staff at edi@eda.gov, or contact:

Douglass Lynott, Director, Economic Development Integration
Economic Development Administration
U.S. Department of Commerce
1401 Constitution Avenue NW, Room 71014
Washington DC 20230
Phone: (202) 482-5549

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