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Office of Hearings and Appeals


The Office of Hearings and Appeals (OHA) is an independent judicial office within the Office of the Secretary. The OHA is headed by a Chief Administrative Law Judge, appointed by the Secretary, who supervises the judges and the administrative support staff.

The OHA Administrative Judges (AJs) and Administrative Law Judges (ALJs) conduct hearings and make determinations regarding formal complaints or adverse actions initiated by HUD, based upon alleged violations of federal statutes and implementing regulations.

OHA hearing procedures are governed by HUD regulations, and are guided by the rules applicable to trials in federal court. In each case, the judge seeks to make a fair and impartial decision based upon the law, and the facts established by the evidence.

Please Note: This office is not authorized to receive or act upon complaints about HUD activities or programs, or complaints about actions by individuals, organizations, corporations or housing authorities. Get more information on these related concerns: