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Health & Public Welfare

Suggested Health & Public Welfare Searches

Health Care Reform

123 documents in the last year

The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was signed into law on March 23, 2010. That law, along with the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 and related measures is being implemented by Federal agencies to reform certain aspects of the private...

Veterans Employment & Training

19 documents in the last year

The U.S. government has a variety of programs that assist veterans of military service to find employment and training opportunities. The Veterans Employment and Training Service and the Employment and Training Administration of the Department of Labor, the Office of...

Veterans Educational Benefits

3 documents in the last year

On June 22, 1944, the Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944 became law. It was commonly known as the G.I. Bill of Rights. Since the original 1944 law, the term has come to include other veterans' benefit programs created to assist veterans of subsequent wars as well as...

Disaster Declarations & Assistance

933 documents in the last year

The Department of Homeland Security and its Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) administer disaster assistance and emergency management in the U.S. Under the Stafford Act, state governors initiate requests for disaster assistance. If the President finds that a major...

Veterans Disability Ratings & Claims

16 documents in the last year

Privacy Act Notices & Regs

1017 documents in the last year

Electronic Health Information Technology

72 documents in the last year

Product Safety

90 documents in the last year

Controlled Substances

251 documents in the last year

Accountable Care Organizations

8 documents in the last year

Voting & Elections

94 documents in the last year

Transparency & Open Government

26 documents in the last year

Food Safety

266 documents in the last year

Food Substances Generally Recognized as Safe

10 documents in the last year

Medicare, Medicaid, and SCHIP Payments

58 documents in the last year

Student Financial Aid

127 documents in the last year

Education Initiatives

9 documents in the last year

Nutrition Assistance Programs

162 documents in the last year

Clinical Laboratory Improvement Program

26 documents in the last year

Medical Privacy (HIPAA)

51 documents in the last year

Medical Devices

219 documents in the last year

Native American Remains and Funerary Objects

194 documents in the last year

Americans with Disabilities Act

106 documents in the last year

Social Security Rulings and Acquiescence Rulings

15 documents in the last year

Continuation of Health Benefits (COBRA)

8 documents in the last year

Sentencing Guidelines

2 documents in the last year

Meaningful Use of Electronic Health Records

21 documents in the last year

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